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Language Textbooks

College students have a wide array of language skills. College success and career readiness depend upon strong speaking skills and the ability to communicate well in print. English and second language acquisition prepare students to engage in a globally-connected world.
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Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts: English ↔ Spanish
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0.0 stars

Creative Translation for Real-World Contexts is one of the first translation textbooks designed for Spanish/English speakers at an intermediate-high (B2) level. This book introduces students to the basic ideas of translation while addressing frequent pain points that recur when working bidirectionally. Additionally, a focus is placed on fostering metacognitive skills by encouraging creative translation from real-world environments such as narration, business, advertising, specialized contexts (including inclusive and queer language), and in situations when there are no clear translations available, such as sci-fi and fantasy works. Chapters alternate between Spanish and English as the languages of discussion, thus providing an equitable challenge for native speakers of both languages.

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Arts and Humanities
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Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University
Remy Attig
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Developing a Blended Indigenous Languages Revitalization Program at Western University
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Hybrid co-curricular honour workshop series in Indigenous languages revitalization (undergraduate students) In this course, students will be introduced to considerations, approaches, research and best practices for Indigenous language revitalization and programming. This course will look at the work done in the three local communities as well as within Ontario, Canada and globally. The four workshops have been designed to offer practical applications to Indigenous language revitalization. Acknowledging the work and models used by the three local communities (Oneida of the Thames First Nation, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation and Munsee-Delaware Nation).

Arts and Humanities
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Hadithi Fupi Za KujiFunza Lugha ya Kiswahili: Short Stories for Swahili Reading Comprehension
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0.0 stars

This book applies a visual reading comprehension approach in Swahili teaching using pictures and text. It comprises of pictures accompanied by short texts that clarify what each picture presents in the written story. The book compiled short stories on different topics related to students’ daily lives including but not limited to greetings, self-introduction, transportation, family, weather, attending a class and doing different activities. The book offers students a chance to develop Swahili comprehension skills. It also allows the students to learn how to read and understand the text and exposes them to a wider range of vocabulary and grammar, which are useful elements in forming the correct language structures.

Arts and Humanities
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University of Iowa
Provider Set:
Iowa Research Online
Susana Nkurlu
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Introducción a la interpretación médica
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0.0 stars

This book presents a collection of dialogues in Spanish and English, specifically designed to help aspiring medical interpreters sharpen their language proficiency and professional expertise. Each dialogue is constructed to simulate real-life encounters, ensuring that readers are fully equipped to navigate the complexities of the healthcare environment with confidence, accuracy, and cultural sensitivity.

Applied Science
Arts and Humanities
Health, Medicine and Nursing
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Utah Education Network
Misty Allen
Vicente Iranzo
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
本教材設計除沿用張琬茹所繪之插圖外,另增加cc 授權或是公眾領域的歷史相關視音頻和圖照、自製 GIS 定位圖像及網頁鏈接功能、客語朗誦、課後討論等,具有多媒體式的展現效果,大幅擴充了原本少年圖書暨繪本的教學功能,提供客語教學規劃更多元的教學情境選擇。(本設計不需另外安裝軟體直接輸入網址即可開啟閱讀)

Long Description:
本文改編客籍作家甘耀明第一部長篇小說《殺鬼》,縮減其文字篇幅,輔以張琬茹所繪之插圖,使其成為適合國小五年級至國中九年級學生閱讀的少年圖書。甘耀明為新生代客籍小說家,其長篇小說《殺鬼》描寫二戰期間台灣少年劉興帕的成長經驗。劉興帕從客籍漢人的認同,在日本殖民政策以及皇民化教育下,逐漸轉為日本認同,直至二戰結束日本戰敗後,國民政府接收台灣,身為台籍日本兵的劉興帕因作者甘耀明所賦予台灣原住民之「原力」(The Force),而得以脫去政治制度認同的枷鎖,回歸族群原生的力量。

張琬茹創作插圖則以下列幾個原則找出描繪的圖像,代表張琬茹對於《殺鬼》的詮釋角度。一、鬼之圖像。《殺鬼》的主軸是國族認同的擺盪,各有不同國族認同之「鬼」代表:劉興帕-飄盪的「日本」鬼、劉金福-慈悲老鬼、吳湯興-為民族而戰的鬼王、鹿野武雄-實現武士道的鬼中佐、拉娃與尤敏-反戰的祖靈。二、象徵意義。筆者列舉文本中具有代表性之象徵:火車-現代化的力量、菊花-日本皇族、茶花 -堅忍的客籍族群、螃蟹-原住民救贖之力、台灣山林與土地-涵養生命與族群扎根之處。筆者徐光鋕依張琬茹的《少年的自我療傷》為基礎,將之製作成多媒體版本,命名為「《少年的自我療傷—甘耀明《殺鬼》少年圖書改編》多媒體教材」。

Word Count: 30588

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Arts and Humanities
Cultural Geography
Social Science
World History
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Ancient Greek for Everyone at Duke
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Essential Morphology and Syntax for Beginning Greek

Word Count: 70368

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Arts and Humanities
Social Science
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Ancient Greek for Everyone
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Essential Morphology and Syntax for Beginning Greek

Word Count: 68061

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Arts and Humanities
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Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Elementary Italian at The University of Iowa

Piacere! is an elementary Italian open-access textbook authorized by the Italian faculty of The University of Iowa (https://french-italian.uiowa.edu/ ). As its title suggests, Piacere! wants to introduce students to the language in an approachable way that welcomes their needs, interests and the everchanging world of language learning. A comprehensive and flexible e-textbook, this Open Education Resource aims to support students’ acquisition of the grammar and vocabulary that ensure meaningful communication as well as to enhance students’ familiarity with Italian culture.

Piacere! is divided into twenty-one units, which revolve around a specific theme, in order to facilitate a comprehensive learning and use of the language.

Word Count: 22709

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically as part of a bulk import process by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided. As a result, there may be errors in formatting.)

Arts and Humanities
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Proseando - Portuguese Conversation
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Short Description:
This is a Portuguese conversation textbook for all levels

Word Count: 2437

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Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
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Date Added:
I'm All Ears
Only Sharing Permitted
0.0 stars

Spanish Pronunciation Course for Speakers of American English

Word Count: 14747

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Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Language, Grammar and Vocabulary
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This introductory level textbook was developed with the student in mind. Florecer means to "bloom" or to "thrive" in Spanish. This textbook should give the student and their instructor the tools to learn at home and acquire the language both in class and through meaningful conversations in Spanish with both native and non-native speakers of Spanish. This is a communicatively based Spanish Language textbook focused on offering students the resources to become more aware of the diversity of the Spanish speaking world. Each chapter will include opportunities to read, write, react and converse with classmates, the instructor and to make connections with the Spanish speaking world through meaningful interactions.

Long Description:
This textbook was developed to give students and their instructors free and open access to a textbook aimed at the Introductory level of Spanish. The vocabulary, grammar and readings were developed with the final goal of guiding students towards meaningful communication through reading, writing, listening and speaking activities.

Each of the 12 chapters are dedicated to a different Spanish speaking country or region and focused on introducing students to the immense cultural and linguistic diversity of the Spanish speaking world. By the end of the last chapter, students should be able to bloom to the functional level in the Spanish language set up to thrive at the intermediate level.

Word Count: 75812

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Arts and Humanities
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Date Added:
Corpora in English Language Teaching
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0.0 stars

Classroom Activities for Teachers New to Corpus Linguistics

Word Count: 29957

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Arts and Humanities
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Palabras bilingües: navegando entre culturas
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
Palabras bilingües: navegando entre culturas has been designed for heritage language learners who wish to continue developing their bilingual skills. Through units that follow Project-Based Learning, this book aims to expand students’ bilingual abilities and incorporate their language variety in the classroom .

Word Count: 51590

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Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Spunti: Italiano elementare 1
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0.0 stars

For access to the latest edition of Spunti, please visit our new site: https://open.muhlenberg.pub/italiano-elementare-1/

Word Count: 8376

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Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Italian Language and Culture IV
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 11583

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Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Italian Language and Culture II
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 16546

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Italian Language and Culture I
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Word Count: 12255

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Intermediate Biblical Greek Reader: Galatians and Related Texts
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This intermediate graded reader is designed to move from simpler translation work (Galatians) towards more advanced readings from the book of James, the Septuagint, and from one of the Church Fathers. In each reading lesson, the Greek text is given, followed by supplemental notes that offer help with vocabulary, challenging word forms, and syntax. Discussion questions are also included to foster group conversation and engagement.

Long Description:
After completing basic biblical Greek, students are often eager to continue to learn and strengthen their skills of translation and interpretation. This intermediate graded reader is designed to meet those needs. The reader is “intermediate” in the sense that it presumes the user will have already learned the basics of Greek grammar and syntax and has memorized Greek vocabulary words that appear frequently in the New Testament. The reader is “graded” in the sense that it moves from simpler translation work (Galatians) towards more advanced readings from the book of James, the Septuagint, and from one of the Church Fathers. In each reading lesson, the Greek text is given, followed by supplemental notes that offer help with vocabulary, challenging word forms, and syntax. Discussion questions are also included to foster group conversation and engagement.

There are many good Greek readers in existence, but this reader differs from most others in a few important ways. Most readers offer text selections from different parts of the Bible, but in this reader the user works through one entire book (Galatians). All subsequent lessons, then, build off of this interaction with Galatians through short readings that are in some way related to Galatians. The Septuagint passages in the reader offer some broader context for texts that Paul quotes explicitly from the Septuagint. The Patristic reading from John Chrysystom comes from one of his homilies on Galatians. This approach to a Greek reader allows for both variety and coherence in the learning process.

Other unique features within this intermediate Greek reader include a set of word studies for important Greek words in Galatians, a discussion of the basics of textual criticism, and a brief glossary of syntax and key concepts in biblical Greek.

Word Count: 49422

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
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Date Added:
Marking Gender in Spanish
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0.0 stars

A Guide for Language Learners

Short Description:
This open educational resource is created for language learners who want to make independent decisions on the politics over their bodies and identities and determine how they would like to be called while learning Spanish. The material can also serve teachers and professors as a resource to help navigate this challenging topic of our current times. This guide allows the learner to gain a basic understanding of Spanish grammar and its relationship to gender in an independent way. It intends to be not only a resource to decide how you would like to be named but also to understand the complexity of the subject, in relation to Spanish-speaking societies.

Word Count: 2760

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Date Added:
Speaking and Writing Physics 101: Student Working Version
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0.0 stars

Short Description:
This supplementary first-year physics textbook explores the role of language, alongside figures and mathematical symbols, in solving physics problems. The aim of this textbook is to help students gain extended, practical awareness of the roles of language in solutions to a range of first-year physics problems. The learning is guided mainly by comparing how language is used in formal, written solutions and in students' problem-solving dialogues. With new awareness how and why language is used in these two central forms of university physics practice, students can more effectively communicate solutions and guide their development as physicists and users of scientific English. After introducing problem-solving strategies and foundational aspects of language, the textbook guides students in the three primary functions of language in solutions: to represent concepts and phenomena, organize messages to facilitate their interpretation, and evaluate knowledge claims. Learning is largely task-based, emerging from completing the textbook tasks and reviewing feedback. The textbook is recommended for use alongside first-year physics instruction in self-guided study or instructor-facilitated contexts such as physics tutorials and English for physics courses.

Long Description:
This textbook combines the perspectives of physics and language to help you solve first-year physics problems and communicate your problem-solving choices more consciously and effectively. From the view of physics, the units present physics problems linked to the set of physics concepts typically taught in first year, focusing on how students with various physics competencies solve problems in dialogue and report their solutions in writing. By exploring the various competencies involved in solving physics problems and illustrating these competencies in solutions produced by students with different strengths and weaknesses, this textbook aims to help you understand and develop your own competencies.

A language perspective on learning first-year physics

The perspective of language complements the learning in physics because language systems are a key resource for thinking through and solving physics word problems. Language use in specialized activities such as solving physics problems tends to form identifiable patterns, implying that some language choices are more effective than others. Working through this textbook, you will observe the systems of language choices available for solving physics problems and develop capacities to use language more mindfully and effectively in your physics work.

Physics knowledge is produced, exchanged, and assessed in two main forms in first year courses, in speech and writing. In each textbook unit, a problem is introduced that requires application of one or more focal physics concepts, exploring spoken and written solutions to this problem to help you improve the effectiveness of solutions in both forms. Each unit also focuses on a specific function or sub-function of language, such as how concepts are represented or how solutions are organized, which is explored by comparing the spoken and written modes of communicating physics.

Across the 14 units, the textbook describes and explains the functional scope of the English language in shaping valued physics knowledge. For example, we explore the use of particular functional structures of English that physicists typically use when a problem requires us to re-interpret the concrete, physical world in terms of abstract concepts, such as when modelling a running person (concrete) as a point mass (concept).

The language perspective helps us answer questions such as these: What are the functions of language in solving physics problems? How does language help us to shift perspectives between a problem’s dynamic, physical situation and the stable, theoretical concepts involved? What are the roles of visual figures and mathematical symbolism relative to language in solving physics problems? What language choices are involved in effectively solving a physics problem in group dialogue and writing? Can we distinguish between reporting and explaining our solution? If so, how? What does it mean for a solution to be effectively communicated?

The knowledge and experiences you build in this course about the role of language in physics will help you to meet your expectations for solving physics problems and those of your peers and instructors. This aim is achieved in combination with the increased awareness and development of your competencies in solving physics problems. The guiding aim of this textbook is for you to apply the knowledge and experiences you gain towards your personal and professional development according to your interests in physics and science.

The organization of the textbook

The roles of language in solving physics problems are explored in increasing detail across the textbook units. Unit 1 provides the foundational perspectives on physics and language. The focus for learning is on strategies for solving word problems and the units and scales of language use in communicating the solutions.

Units 2 to 14 focus on physics concepts typically covered in first year, from motion along a straight line to fluid dynamics. Each unit introduces a problem developed to apply the unit’s focal concept and explores with you the solutions to these in spoken and written forms. A second problem is then introduced in the unit as an opportunity to apply, assess, and reflect on what you’ve learned.

Ways to use the textbook

The focus of this textbook is on improving your use of language, problem-solving strategies, and physics concepts in solving problems. As such, this book is not intended to replace a physics first-year textbook. Rather, this textbook is designed to be used in combination with a standard first-year physics textbook or course, where the methods and concepts are covered in detail.

This textbook is designed for first-year Science or Applied Science programs, where it would be used in (1) the tutorial section of the physics course focusing on problem-solving competencies and communicating solutions or in (2) a linked content-and-language syllabus such as an English for First-Year Physics course. This textbook will also find good use in (3) advanced placement high-school science programs, (4) pre-sessional university preparation programs, and (5) refresher courses for first-year physics. The book was designed especially for multilingual students of physics; however, it is expected to interest any physics enthusiasts with an interest in explicit understanding and extended practice of the language of physics.

The course is designed to be used in self-guided learning, peer study groups, or instructor-led classes. Whatever approach you take, learning through this textbook happens through your active engagement with the tasks. The task-based design involves a cycle of pre-task preparation, task activity, and post-task checking of responses and reflection. The post-task checking of your responses is crucial as this is typically where the effectiveness of your task performance is explained, that is, where the teaching emerges in dialogue with your input.

This course also includes optional features for deeper engagement and community-building around the language of solving physics problems. Chief among these features is the sharing of physics problems and solutions produced by you, the textbook users. As a user of the online textbook, you are invited to submit your solutions to the collection and compare these in terms of language features against our analyses of how language is used across all submissions. Users are also encouraged to design and share unique problems that reflect their particular interests and curiosities within and beyond physics. As the collection grows, so will the analyses, opportunities for engagement, and the learning community.

Word Count: 6443

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Arts and Humanities
Higher Education
Physical Science
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Date Added: