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OpenStax Chemistry:  Flipped Classroom Reading Guides for General Chemistry (1st semester)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Here you can find reading guides that were created by Montgomery College faculty for undergraduate general chemistry students to use to guide their reading of OpenStax Chemistry. These guides are closely aligned with chapters 1-11 and were designed for use in the first semester sequence of general chemistry. They can be used in a flipped-style classroom where students complete them before the lecture. Or they can be used to reinforce important topics learned in class. Each study guide has fill-in-the blank style questions, as well as links to videos where similar problems are worked through. Finally, suggested practice problems relevant to the topic of each study guide are listed at the end.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Date Added:
OpenStax Chemistry:  Flipped Classroom Reading Guides for General Chemistry (2nd semester)
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Here you can find reading guides that were created by Montgomery College faculty for undergraduate general chemistry students to use to guide their reading of OpenStax Chemistry. These guides are closely aligned with chapters 12-17 and 21 and were designed for use in the second semester sequence of general chemistry. They can be used in a flipped-style classroom where students complete them before the lecture. Or they can be used to reinforce important topics learned in class. Each study guide has fill-in-the blank style questions, and many have links to videos where similar problems are worked through. Finally, suggested practice problems relevant to the topic of each study guide are listed at the end.

Physical Science
Material Type:
Student Guide
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 46 year old female with inconsistent thyroglobulin concentrations
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 46 year old white female presented to the endocrine clinic for followup on hypothyroidism and a palpable thyroid nodule. Ultrasound of her thyroid on 09/02/03, revealed multiple nodules including a nodule in the upper right pole measuring 7 x 9mm, a nodule in the left aspect of the isthmus measuring 9 x 4mm (Figure 1), and a nodule in the mid pole of the right thyroid measuring 5 x 5mm. An ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration was performed on the nodule near the isthmus which showed papillary carcinoma. A total thyroidectomy with central lymph node dissection was performed on 09/26/XX which showed papillary carcinoma with one positive lymph node, T1N1MX.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Lisa Radkay
Octavia Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 48 year old male with hip pain, confusion, headaches and blurry vision
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a 48 year old Caucasian male with a past medical history of hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, anxiety, depression, chronic low back pain secondary to spinal stenosis status post L3 through L5 laminectomies in 2009, and end-stage osteoarthritis in bilateral hips status post total left hip (March) and total right hip (September) arthroplasties with metal-on-metal prostheses in 2008. The patient worked in the construction industry for many years and performed daily tasks that resulted in his chronic hip disease, including heavy lifting and prolonged kneeling. Following the left hip replacement, his pain was vastly improved and he did well with no complications. However, following the right hip replacement, he noted increased bilateral hip pain, right more than left. In April 2012, he presented to an outpatient clinic with these complaints, in addition to complaints of increasing confusion, headaches, blurry vision for about two weeks, and short-term memory loss. Radiologic imaging was performed at that time, but failed to reveal signs of joint failure. Interestingly, a blood cobalt level was drawn and returned 11.4 µg/L (reference range: <1.8 µg/L). He subsequently underwent a revision of the right hip in October 2012, replacing the metal-on-metal joint with a non-metal surface prosthesis. A repeat blood cobalt level was drawn after the surgery and returned 5 µg/L. He remained clinically stable following the right hip revision, but in February 2013 he presented to an outside hospital after he sustained a traumatic fall in his basement. He attributed the fall to symptoms of progressive cognitive decline, including confusion, lethargy, short-term memory loss, and depression, which he noted had worsened since his hip procedures in 2008. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the head did not reveal significant acute pathology, an electroencephalogram (EEG) was also negative for seizure-like activity or any other pathologic activity in the brain, and all other work-ups were essentially negative. On admission to the hospital, he stated that he had a history of elevated blood cobalt levels, but the patient's previous laboratory studies were not available for review by his clinicians. A repeat blood cobalt level was drawn during his hospitalization and returned 3.1 µg/L. The patient was eventually discharged from the hospital with follow-up at an outpatient toxicology clinic for further evaluation.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Jessica Dwyer
Octavia Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 56 year-old Female with a Serum hCG of 5 mIU/ml
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Some Rights Reserved
0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a 56 year old G5P1223 female who presented to the hospital 10 years post menopause, complaining of recent nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain, and vaginal spotting. Five days prior to presentation (PTP), the patient developed nausea accompanied by occasional episodes of non-bloody, non-bilious vomiting. Three days PTP, she developed midline lower abdominal pain and remarked that she "felt pregnant." The pain was sharp, diffuse, and radiated to her lower back. Two days PTP, she began experiencing scant vaginal blood spotting. The patient reported engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse four months PTP, but no additional sexual encounters since that time.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Dane C. Olevian
Octavia Peck-Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 66-year-old female with complaint of weakness
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 66-year-old female with metastatic colon cancer presents to the emergency department with the complaint of weakness, which was so bad that she had to be carried to the car before being driven to the ED. She underwent debulking surgery one month prior to presentation and has since followed up for problems including fecal impaction and diarrhea. She has poor oral intake and is losing weight. She reports compliance with her bowel regimen of docusate sodium, senna, polyethylene glycol, and milk of magnesia. Initial laboratory findings are listed in the table.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Daniel D. Rhoads
Octavia M. Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 76-year old female with nephrotic range proteinuria and urine albumin to protein ratio less than 10%
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 76 year-old lady presented to the emergency department with a one-week history of progressively worsening generalized edema, fatigue, intermittent chest tightness, mild nausea and decreased exercise tolerance along with 22-lbs unintentional weight gain over the prior four weeks. Significant background history included hypertension, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, hypothyroidism, Crohn's disease and bilateral lumpectomies and radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Relevant medications included levothyroxine, losartan, adalimumab, omeprazole, ergocalciferol, calcium carbonate, folic acid and cyanocobalamin.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Jansen N Seheult
Octavia M Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A 7 week old male with ambiguous genitalia and history of Hirschprung disease
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A seven month old male with a history of ambiguous genitalia and Hirschprung disease presented for follow up evaluation. He was born via normal spontaneous vaginal delivery at 39 weeks to a grava 4 para 3 mother with one previous miscarriage. The pregnancy was uneventful. The physical exam was remarkable for ambiguous genitalia, mildly low set posteriorly rotated ears, and syndactyly of the second and third toes bilaterally. He initially experienced bilious emesis and feeding intolerance and improved secondary to a leveling colostomy and partial colon resection.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
David Finegold
Matthew A Smith
Octavia Peck-Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A Post-transplant Elderly Man with Abdominal Pain
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

The patient is a gentleman in his 60s with a clinical history of chronic pulmonary disease, status post double lung transplant and receiving tacrolimus, prednisone, and prophylactic valganciclovir treatments. He presented with recurrent epigastric to diffuse abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bouts of watery diarrhea for three months. CT imaging study demonstrated small bowel wall thickening and fat stranding concerning for duodenitis.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Aofei Li
Changqing Ma
Michael Landau
Octavia M. Peck-Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A man with  posterior fossa tumors 15 years apart
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 48-year-old man with a history of hypertension, peripheral vascular disease and a 50-pack-year history of smoking, presented with new onset vertigo, tinnitus, diplopia and ataxia in January of 1978. There was no family history of any brain lesions, neurological symptoms or other contributory diseases. CT scan showed a radiolucent defect in the left cerebellar hemisphere with a possible mural nodule. In ensuing months, worsening symptoms were experienced with a corresponding increase in lesion size on re-imaging. Four months later, a left posterior fossa craniotomy was performed and revealed a single cystic lesion containing copious amounts of straw- colored fluid and a single mural nodule in the inferior portion of the cyst. Following resection, he was followed clinically until 1985 at which time follow-up was discontinued. He did well until January of 1993 when he presented with progressively worsening episodic headaches and retro-orbital pressure. In the following months, additional symptoms including slurred speech, left facial droop; upper and lower extremity weakness were documented. Subsequent MRIs of the brain (02/93, 03/93) showed diffuse nodular leptomeningeal enhancement in the posterior fossa. Multiple low intensity lesions coated the cerebellum, and similar lesions were located anterior to the pons, in the suprasellar cistern, at the tip of the temporal lobe, in the right Meckel's cave, and in the third ventricle (Figures 1, 2 and 3). In addition, an MRI of the spine (03/93) showed multiple extra-axial intradural enhancing nodules throughout the length of the thoracic cord, consistent with drop metastases. He was admitted for radiotherapy, receiving 2600 rads in 10 fractions over a 19- day period in March 1993. During this hospitalization, his hematocrit ranged from 53 to 61%, demonstrating polycythemia. Despite therapy, his condition progressively declined, and he succumbed. The family authorized consent for examination of the brain only at autopsy.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Asim K. Bag
Cheryl Ann Palmer
Emily F. Gorman
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: A woman in her 30s with urticaria, flushing, and cramping abdominal pain
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A woman in her late thirties who is 15 weeks pregnant (G1P0) visits the allergy and immunology clinic. She has a history of positive anti-thyroid antibody (subtype unkown) which was diagnosed ten years prior and is treated with Synthroid. She complains of urticaria, flushing, and cramping abdominal pain with exercise. These symptoms can also be evoked by hot showers and urticaria occasionally develop in areas of skin exposed to pressure or friction. The symptoms began occurring occasionally twenty years ago and have been progressively increasing in frequency and severity. The symptoms are generally well controlled by daily doses of fexofenadine and ranitidine taken thirty minutes prior to exercising. The patient also states that she experiences at least two mild headaches per week. She is concerned about the safety of her current medication regimen given her pregnancy. The physical exam is non-contributory. Laboratory studies are included in Table 1.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Michelle Heayn
Octavia M. Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: Elevated troponin in a 41 year old male with ST elevations
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

This is a 41 year old male inmate with a past medical history reported from an outside hospital of hypertension and HIV (both of which the patient denied and subsequent HIV testing was negative). He presented to the prison physician with complaints of chest pain (6/10) and shortness of breath that began the prior evening while playing softball. At that time, his symptoms were also associated with nausea and vomiting so the patient attributed this combination of symptoms to acid reflux. An ECG done at the prison showed ST elevations and he was transferred to an outside hospital for further evaluation. Cardiac catheterization showed 100% proximal occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). The patient was hemodynamically stable upon transfer to UPMC Presbyterian for further treatment.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Brian K. Theisen
Octavia M. Peck-Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: Genomic Analysis of a Renal Mass in a Toddler
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A toddler girl with type I diabetes mellitus presents with intermittent abdominal pain, lasting for approximately one week, localizing to the left upper and lower quadrant and the left flank. The pain was worse at night and associated with anorexia and nausea, relieved by vomiting with non-bloody, non-bilious emesis. Bowel function was otherwise normal. Family history, social history and birth / developmental history are non-contributory. Physical exam demonstrated a tender, palpable mass in the left side of the abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound and CT of the abdomen and pelvis shows an enhancing, heterogenous, solid vascular mass of approximately 6 cm in greatest dimension arising from the lower pole of the left kidney with a perinephric hemorrhage and hematoma contained within Gerota's fascia.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Eduardo Castro-Echeverry
Octavia Palmer
Urvashi Surti
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: Isolated elevated Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Concentrations
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A male in his early twenties was found to have elevated Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) incidentally during his work up for medical clearance for the US armed forces. Patient's past medical history is significant for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) when he was in preschool. Patient received chemotherapy followed by bone marrow transplant. He completed his chemotherapy treatment three years later. Follow up showed no recurrence. Patient's social history includes social alcohol use of 4-5 beers every weekend. Patient denies smoking and/or use of recreational drugs. In addition to exercising daily, patient takes a number of unknown health supplements. Of note, patient recalls having an elevated GGT level when he was in the 5th grade, 3 years after he completed chemotherapy during a wellness check however the cause was unknown. Physical exam is non-contributory. BMI is 25. The results of the initial laboratory tests are listed in Table 1.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Octavia Peck Palmer
Simmi Patel
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: Primary Endometrial Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors with EWSR Gene Rearrangement
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

Ewing Sarcoma (ES)/Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors (PNET) rarely present as primary tumors of female genital tract. In gynecologic tract, demonstration of translocation involving Ewing Sarcoma Gene (EWSR1) is considered a gold standard for diagnosis. Here we describe 2 cases of primary uterine PNETs with Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) proven EWSR gene rearrangement. To the best of our knowledge there are only 4 previously reported cases of uterine PNET with reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) proven EWSR-FLI1 fusion gene product (Sinkre et al, 2000, Katuria et al, 2011).

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Binara Assylbekova
Octavia M. Peck-Palmer
Date Added:
Pathology Case Study: Undetectable Luteinizing Hormone Levels in a Precocious Puberty Evaluation
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0.0 stars

(This case study was added to OER Commons as one of a batch of over 700. It has relevant information which may include medical imagery, lab results, and history where relevant. A link to the final diagnosis can be found at the end of the case study for review. The first paragraph of the case study -- typically, but not always the clinical presentation -- is provided below.)

A 6 year-old male presented with early pubarche and was evaluated for premature puberty. Skeletal evaluation at that time revealed a bone age of 9 years. The results of a leuprolide challenge test are shown in the top portion of Table 1. Shortly thereafter, the patient was lost to follow-up. At age 10, the patient returned to clinical attention after a pediatrician found he was Tanner stage III and repeat skeletal evaluation suggested a bone age of 14 years. The results of a second leuprolide challenge test are shown in the bottom portion of Table 1.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Case Study
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Provider Set:
Department of Pathology
Eric D. Carlsen
Octavia Peck Palmer
Date Added:
Personal Finance - Budgeting Tools
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This lesson will help students explore different budgeting tools that will identify where their income is coming from and recognize the different categories they will need to budget their expenses to manage their money wisely.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Review of How Comics Work
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Review of How Comics Work: A 1BUW Production, a booklet created by Candida Rifkind, Brandon Christopher,
and Alice RL in the English department at the University of Winnipeg and accessible at https://winnspace.uwinnipeg.ca/handle/10680/1826.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Erik Palmer
Date Added:
The RoughWriter's Guide
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

The RoughWriter's Guide is a writing handbook designed specifically for Yavapai College students. The Guide provides students with help navigating academic writing, including all aspects of the writing process, MLA and APA formatting, and grammatical and mechanical issues.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Karen Palmer
Sandi Van Lieu
Date Added:
The RoughWriter's Guide
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

A Handbook for Writing Well

Short Description:
The RoughWriter's Guide is a writing handbook designed specifically for Yavapai College students. The Guide provides students with help navigating academic writing, including all aspects of the writing process, MLA and APA formatting, and grammatical and mechanical issues.

Long Description:
The RoughWriter’s Guide is an OER writing handbook designed specifically for Yavapai College students. The Guide provides students with help navigating academic writing, including all aspects of the writing process, MLA and APA formatting, and grammatical and mechanical issues.

With over four decades of experience teaching composition between them, Dr. Palmer and Dr. Van Lieu have compiled their expertise into a digestible form for students. Not only does the text cover the basics of writing for college, but it includes interactive elements, like instructional videos and links to outside resources. Exercises are included for both individual practice and guided practice in the classroom.

Word Count: 96643

(Note: This resource's metadata has been created automatically by reformatting and/or combining the information that the author initially provided as part of a bulk import process.)

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Material Type:
Karen Palmer
Sandi Van Lieu
Date Added: