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Teacher as Innovator

Teachers continually develop, experiment, coach, innovate, and share best practice to determine how the school can best be served by technology.

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Advanced ICT Essentials Course - In-Service Teacher Training Manual/Facilitation Guide
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This training manual has been developed to guide Teacher Trainers/etutors in training teachers to integrate ICT tools in their teaching and learning process. The design of manual is aligned to the National Curriculum which outlines the learning objectives for example, knowledge and understanding, skills and attitudes the teachers need to be equipped with in preparation for integrating ICTs in schools. The training manual is arranged into sessions and each session has a topic, session objectives, content, and activities. For example, in the introduction, the manual contains the resources, methodologies, and assessment. There are references such as open education resources which are free and other links that the master trainers can refer to for additional information.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Ministry o Education Rwanda
Rwanda Basic Education Borad
Date Added:
OER in Action - UNESCO ICT-CFT Courses
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Developing a course, and associated materials, to support professional development can often be a costly enterprise. Designers and developers need to consider curriculum design, materials development, quality assurance, platform customisation and evaluation. Following this process step by step is often protracted and costly. The ADDIE model of instructional design, a popular and often cited ideal approach to creating courseware, suggests that analysis of needs, courseware design and development, implementation and course evaluation is required by any entity bent on creating effective courses.

In contrast to this mindset, however, there is evidence that a collaborative-shared approach to instructional design challenges the ADDIE model’s assumption that each step needs to be done in-house. Since 2011, several Teacher ICT Integration professional development initiatives around the globe have demonstrated that burdens in both design and development phases can be shared, shortening the time required to design courses and develop the accompanying resources. This approach also is more cost effective than typical ventures.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Primary Source
Andrew Moore
Date Added:
UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (2011)
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

UNESCO’s Framework emphasizes that it is not enough for teachers to have ICT competencies and be able to teach them to their students. Teachers need to be able to help the students become collaborative, problemsolving, creative learners through using ICT so they will be eff ective citizens and members of the workforce. The Framework therefore addresses all aspects of a teacher’s work:

Understanding ICT in Education
Curriculum and Assessment
Organisation & Administration
Teacher Professional Learing

The Framework is arranged in three diff erent approaches to teaching (three successive stages of a teacher’s development). The first is Technology Literacy, enabling students to use ICT in order to learn more effi ciently. The second is Knowledge Deepening, enabling students to acquire in-depth knowledge of their school subjects and apply it to complex, real-world problems. The third is Knowledge Creation, enabling students, citizens and the workforce they become, to create the new knowledge required for more harmonious, fulfi lling and prosperous societies.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Date Added:
Zimbabwe ICT Essentials App on Google Play
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The Zimbabwe ICT Essentials for Teachers Course is avaiable as an App for Android phones and tablets. The original course has been reformated to fit on screens of different sizes! The full course is available.

Educational Technology
Material Type:
Full Course
Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Zimbabwe
Date Added: