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Types of SAE
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Grade Level: 8th - 9thSubject: Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural ResourcesDuration: 50 minutesDOK Level: 2SAMR Level: Substitution Indiana Standard: IAFNR-3.1 Explain the nature of and become familiar with those terms related to an SAE programIAFNR-3.2 Explore the numerous possibilities for an SAE program which a student might develop Objective: Students will be able to explain and identify three examples of the different types of SAEs.Essential Question: What are the different types of SAEs?Procedure: Have students draw a picture of their favorite activityThe students will explain why they choose the activity as their favorite activityHave a class discussion on interests are different among everyoneShow the video SAE Part 1Present the notes in Types of SAEsShow the video SAE Part 2Explain and provide the homework SAE worksheet through google classroomProduct or Assessment: The correct responses on the SAE worksheet

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Macon Beck
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