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  • cognitive-skills
Mindful Brainiac Challenge
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In order to introduce some fun, and hopefully get students to practice some of the concepts discussed in class relating to social and emotional intelligence, and mindfulness practices, the Mindful Brainiac Challenge was developed. Students are divided into teams and awarded individual and team points for demonstrating certain behaviors / actions.
Using Class Dojo application, points are awarded from one of the three categories: Cognitive and Metacognitive skills, Social and Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness. Teachers collect points from their own observations in class, homework assignments, and reports from students themselves, peers, other teachers and parents. Students are only awarded positive points (so they don't get "punished", and points lead into different milestones that award badges. Throughout the course, different milestones / achievements will receive different rewards, individually and collectively, and by the end of the course, the team with most badges and the individual with most points wins.

Life Science
Social Science
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