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Cloud and Server GIS
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Is your understanding of Cloud GIS a bit hazy? Does thinking about it leave you in a fog? We've designed GEOG 865, Cloud and Server GIS, to help you understand how all of the various pieces of architecture fit together. By the end of the class you'll have a clear understanding of esri's and others' offerings in the space, how to implement ArcGIS Enterprise on Amazon EC2, make online maps with Carto and Mapbox, and engage in some blue sky thinking of your own in our weekly discussions about trends and directions.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Physical Geography
Physical Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Sterling Quinn
Date Added:
GIS Programming and Automation
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Bill Gates is credited with saying he would \hire a lazy person to do a difficult job\" with the justification that \"a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.\" GEOG 485 doesn't teach the lazy way to get the job done, but it does teach the scripting way _ which is arguably even better. You've probably heard the \"give a fish\"/\"teach to fish\" saying? That's the gist of GEOG 485: to equip you, in an ArcGIS context, with the ModelBuilder and Python scripting skills to make your boring, repetitive geoprocessing tasks easier, quicker and automatic _ so you can focus on the more interesting (potentially more valuable) work that you (and your employers) really want you to be doing."

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
James O'Brien
Jim Detwiler
Sterling Quinn
Date Added:
Open Web Mapping
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Everyone can make a web map now, but what are the best tools to do so? Maybe you have already created web maps with ArcGIS or Google Maps but never taken time to have a closer look at open source software alternatives such as QGIS, GeoServer and Leaflet? Or, are you new to web mapping and looking for the best way to create a web application for spatial data from your job or hobby? If so, GEOG 585, Open Web Mapping, is the right course for you. Learn about FOSS vs. proprietary GIS software, open data and standards for web mapping, and how to create beautiful and interactive web maps with Javascript and Leaflet.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Information Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Sterling Quinn
Date Added: