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WPSA Annual Meeting, 2013
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

The WPSA Annual Meeting will be hed on March 28 - 30, 2013, at the Loew's Hotel, Hollywood, CA. The theme for the event is: "The Empire Strkes Back!." Democratic governance, and its triumph over fascism and state-socialism, have long been facilitated by the ability of capitalism to “reform itself” or, more precisely, to reconcile itself to the modest regulation imposed by popular rule. Regulations and reforms established more than a century ago in the Teddy Roosevelt administration, and expanded from time to time in the 40 years that followed, constrained the exploitation of workers, prevented banks from gambling with the economic system, broke up monopolies, restricted unfair labor practices, and established a social safety net, and in so doing provided fertile ground for an unprecedented rate of economic growth, improvement in human conditions, and the establishment of a large and productive middle class. The stability that followed—and the spread or co-occurrence of this approach (with variation and modifications) in the other industrialized democracies of the world—forestalled the emergence of fascism in the U.S. and simultaneously pushed back against the spread of state-socialism in Europe and beyond.Since the passage of the Taft Hartley Act in 1947, the US has seen steady erosion in those protections. Workers in the US and Europe bear a greater and greater burden for the social goods provided by their society and receive fewer and fewer benefits while those who have benefitted most from the triumph of capitalism have begun to knock down the reforms achieved in the 20th Century. Hopes of spreading the improved human condition to the global south have foundered on a reconstructed mercantilist and neo-colonial international trade regime that has resulted in exploitation of workers in lesser-developed nations and vast environmental degradation.Is democracy up to this challenge? Can the free-market global economy again be brought into line with the goals of improving the conditions of humanity? Are our institutions, nation-states, international compacts, and ways of thinking up to this challenge, or will the latter part of the 21st Century more closely resemble the late 19th than the late 20th? While the WPSA welcomes proposals on all political and governmental questions of interest to the discipline, in 2013, we would like to pay particular attention to domestic and international inequality, its causes and its consequences, and whether democratic institutions are up to the task of addressing either.

Political Science
Social Science
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WordPress-based Learning Platform
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

This document presents the results of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" focused on the development of a WordPress-based learning platform. The document begins by discussing the outcomes of the desktop research conducted during the project, followed by an analysis performed throughout its duration. The criteria for the project team are also outlined.
The evaluation outcomes of various learning management systems (LMS) are then presented, covering Tutor LMS, Masteriyo, Lifter LMS, and LearnPress. A comparison table highlighting their features is provided for reference. The appendix section includes additional information the learning platform itself, and various technical aspects such as WordPress short codes, front-end and back-end development, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The document concludes with details about the project partners, namely AJITER, EUPHORIANET, BRAINLOG, and EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNGSINITIATIVE EBI/EIE. The outcomes of the Erasmus+ "InterMedia Project" contribute to the understanding and implementation of a WordPress-based learning platform for educational purposes.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Cristina Ceccarelli
Diyana Todorova - BrainLog
Peter Mazohl - EBI/EIE
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Workplace Management and Child Welfare Policy, Planning, and Administration
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

This curriculum is a standardized workplace management curriculum for training entry-level social workers in child welfare agencies in the State of California. The curriculum is composed of nine modules that may be used as separate classes or together in a single course. The modules are constructed to be suitable for three distinct groups of users: BSW students, MSW students, and child welfare agency supervisors and program managers (first and second line supervisors)--and those interested in such positions. Students can study from these sections during their matriculation, while agency employees might be exposed to them via departmental training opportunities, a local child welfare training academy, university extension or concurrent enrollment programs, or continuing education providers. (151 pages)Gilson, S., Cornet, B., & Ralph, C. (2009).

Social Work
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r-cubed: An Introductory Workshop on Modern Data Analyses and Workflows for Reproducible Research in R
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Reproducibility and open scientific practices are increasingly being requested or required of scientists and researchers, but training on these practices has not kept pace, especially in biomedical research. This course intends to help bridge that gap and covers the fundamentals and workflow of data analysis in R.

The linked website contains the lesson, lecture, and assignment material for the course, as well as additional instructions to other potential instructors of this course material.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Higher Education
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Teaching/Learning Strategy
Anders Aasted Isaksen
Bettina Lengger
Daniel R. Witte
Hannah Chatwin
Helene Bæk Juel
Malene Revsbech Christiansen
Luke W. Johnston
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