Got Lactose? Investigating How Enzymes Function

In this section, students will read the background story and then conduct the experiment to determine if Sam can be helped by taking lactase tablets after eating dairy products.

School is almost over and students are studying for their final exams. Summer temperatures have settled in and the students have decided to take a break from studying by going out for ice cream.

Mike: How is everyone doing with their studying? I'm getting tired and hungry. 

Tom: Me too. And it is so hot. Would anyone like to take a break and get some ice cream in town?

Mike: Yes! That sounds like a perfect idea!

Sam: You guys go without me. Ice cream sort of makes me sick.

Mike: What!? You don't want any ice cream? 

Tom: What do you mean it makes you sick?

Sam: Everytime I eat ice cream, I get bad stomach cramps that take some time to go away. My mom feels the same way when she drinks milk.

Tom: That sounds horrible. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't eat ice cream. Maybe you are allergic to milk.

Mike: Didn't we learn something about this in Biology class? It had something to do with enzymes, I think. 

Tom: Yeah, you're right. Our teacher was telling us that some people lack an enzyme that helps them with dairy foods. She also said that those individuals can be helped by taking pills that contain the enzyme when they eat dairy based foods. 

Sam: Do you really think those pills could help me? Maybe I should try some of them. 


  1. review what you have learned regarding enzymes and lactose intolerance.
  2. Complete the "C" portion of the CER handout. 
  3. Conduct the experiment. After completing the lab, students will complete the "E" portion of the CER handout. 
  4. Conclude by synthesizing your evidence and your claim. 

CER handout

Download: Enzymes_Help_Us_Digest_Food.docx

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