Mikulas Gaussman: a citizen digitally resourced for the future?

This resource provides a series of activities that explore the following:

  • digital needs of citizens in 2038 
  • approaches to resourcing citizens with digital skills

Activity 8 provides a short cut, if you lack time or prefer to cut to the chase. 


It is understood that the future is slightly hazy.

The approach in this OER is not to inculcate a belief or a particular set of ideas. Rather, the approach is to encourage thinking on a number of issues that affect education and the development of citizens educated for a world which is subject to change.

Eight activities provide a starting point for your own thinking on the following themes:

  • current and future drivers influencing skills sets for citizens
  • educational/societal mindsets necessary for future success

You are encouraged to form/review your own position on the themes above. The eight activities aim to help you shape your position.


You may choose to do the activities in any order. A recommended journey, however, starts with activity one and then proceeds sequentially.

Activities 1 and 2 hint at the current and future educational/socio-economic trends and drivers. Activities 1 and 2 serve to create a backdrop to the exploration.

Activities 3 and 4 consider digital behaviours and digital skill sets.

Activities 5, 6, and 7 explore three key issues which may have an impact on digital citizens. 

Activity 8 is a short cut to your own exploration of the issue in hand.


You may contact the leader of this resource at any point with feedback/comments/questions.

@digitalcrowbar [twitter]

colin_bee [wechat]

a call to action

Please feel free to improve this OER either by way of feedback or direct editing. Thank you.

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