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U.C. San Diego

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Bending the Curve: Mitigating Climate Change
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The goal of this unit is for students to gain an awareness of several potential ways to mitigate climate change. Many climate solutions exist, are in use, and can be expanded in scale. Students will examine solutions from Bending the Curve, explore carbon sequestration by trees, coastal wetland restoration, and food waste reduction in more detail. They will propose three (3) realistic solutions that could happen at an individual, school, or community scale that would assist in mitigating climate change.

Applied Science
Atmospheric Science
Environmental Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
U.C. San Diego
Provider Set:
Climate Champions
Date Added:
Climate Change, Land Warming, and Wildfires
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How does climate change lead to an increase in size, intensity, and frequency of wildfires in California? Students will use the phenomenon of wildfire intensity increasing in California to explore the causes, effects and solutions to climate change in California.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
U.C. San Diego
Provider Set:
Climate Champions
Cindy Jenson-Elliot
Tina Tom
Date Added:
Ocean Warming:  Climate Change & Marine Ecosystem Impacts & Solutions Unit Plan
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In this unit, students will explore how global climate change impacts marine ecosystems (especially kelp forests and coral reefs) and the survival and migration patterns of species within marine ecosystems. Students will examine how marine resources and fisheries upon which humans depend (especially marginalized and vulnerable human populations) are being affected by ocean warming and what we can learn from Indigenous peoples on how to mitigate the effects of ocean warming. Lastly, students will learn about innovative solutions to addressing the impacts of ocean warming and propose their own solution to the problem.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
U.C. San Diego
Provider Set:
Climate Champions
Date Added:
Sea Level Rise
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

In this unit, students will explore the causes of sea level rise and will examine short and long-term trends using sea level rise data. In addition, they will learn about the impacts to low-lying coastal communities and they will explore mitigation strategies. Finally, students will deepen their understanding of sea level rise by writing arguments focused on impacted communities and possible solutions.

Atmospheric Science
Physical Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
U.C. San Diego
Provider Set:
Climate Champions
Date Added: