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  • teacher-librarian
The Media Center:  The Teacher's Support System
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The Media Center: The Teachers’ Support SystemA Qualified Teacher-Librarian Every member of our school staff is well-qualified and properly credentialed. (Whole Child Tenet #4: Supported)Flexible Schedule Achievement is higher in schools where the library operates on a flexible schedule instead of a fixed rotation. (Library Media Programs and Student Achievement)A Diverse Collection of Up-to-date Books/Electronic Resources Getting the books off the shelves and into the hands of students (Teacher Librarians at the Heart of Student Learning-video); Teachers create and engage their students in literacy practices that develop awareness, understanding, respect, and valuing of differences in our society. (Standard 4: Diversity)Teacher Collaboration When library media specialists exhibit leadership in the school, it increases collaboration with other teachers. (Library Media Programs and Student Achievement)Assessment Assistance The Media Specialist can assist teachers with assessment by focusing on how students are assessed, focusing on the whole child, and having a well-rounded Media Center program. Teachers can develop their own checklists by identifying skills that are directly aligned to standards. (Assessment Toolkit)Literacy Center Reading and writing play a crucial role in the ability to “learn for understanding.” (Supporting Adolescent Literacy Across the Content Areas); students should have an opportunity to be able to write something meaningful to them, and to have a place where they can listen and learn through sharing ideas with other students.Introduction to Open Educational Resources or OER These are resources that are created to be used free of charge in a variety of subject areas, including youtube videos, websites, and even textbooks--all, AT NO COST!Examples  www.khanacademy.org, www.curriculumpathways.com.  Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC 3.0 US) 

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Carol Gilmore
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