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  • macroinvertabrates
Hands in the River Lesson 3: Outdoor Field Study at McCarran Ranch
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0.0 stars

This unit was created by Sierra Nevada Journeys in partnership with the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (https://ndep.nv.gov/) and the Truckee River Fund (truckeeriverfund.org). During this unit students will learn about the importance of a watershed, which is tied directly to the water cycle. Using collaboration, critical thinking, and outdoor learning experiences, students will develop an understanding of the impact humans and environmental factors can have on the watershed system and what impact this has on humans. Students will gather evidence and research in order to answer/address questions with empirical evidence. In this lesson students will go to a field site to look for evidence of health of a river. Students will hunt for macro-invertebrates and use sensitivity levels as evidence to determine the health of the river.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Date Added:
Stream Consciousness
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

During this activity, students will learn how environmental engineers monitor water quality in resource use and design. They will employ environmental indicators to assess the water quality of a nearby stream. Students will make general observations of water quality as well as count the number of macroinvertabrates. They will then use the information they collected to create a scale to rate how good or bad the water quality of the stream. Finally, the class will compare their numbers and discuss and defend their results.

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Janet Yowell
Malinda Schaefer Zarske
Melissa Straten
Date Added: