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  • communication-analysis
COM-101 Communication Analysis
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COM-101, titled "Communication Analysis," is a comprehensive 3-credit course designed to explore the intricacies of communication, focusing on the analysis of verbal and visual messages. This course is tailored for students who have completed ENG 101 and are concurrently enrolled in ENG 102 or its honors equivalent. It delves into the commonalities and differences across various communication subdisciplines, emphasizing critical inquiry and intensive writing. With a general education designation in Social & Behavioral Sciences, it also addresses special topics such as Ethnic, Race, and Gender Awareness, and Contemporary Global and International Awareness.Structured into fifteen modules, the course covers a wide range of topics from the basics of human communication and the history of communication studies to specialized areas like gender and organizational communication. Each module combines theoretical and practical elements, helping students to not only understand but also apply communication theories to real-life situations. Assessments include exams, discussions, and significant writing projects aimed at enhancing critical listening, thinking, and interacting skills. 

Business and Communication
Material Type:
Full Course
Linda Neff
Kimberly Batty-Herbert
Date Added: