Concepts of Biology by Rice University Textbook Resources for Biology I

These PowerPoint presentations were created to match the OpenStax Concepts of Biology by Rice University textbook.  The information in them exactly match the information and sequence of the textbook.  These slides contain tables, illustrations, and text and are suitable for use in face-to-face, hybrid and online classes.  They contain extensive text and could be utilized as instructor notes as well.  They are given in .pptx format and can be modified to fit individual needs. 

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_01_hhFWcyw.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_02_MaUDGYh.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_03_DWHS5Ro.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_04_hLBYEYB.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_05_Ire2npk.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_06_aYkp8YZ.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_07_3vLPUlC.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_08_Rk40uA6.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_09_Y8S7WiC.pptx

Download: Concepts_of_Biology_Chapter_10_BoLFuQJ.pptx

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