Concepts of Biology by Rice University Textbook Resources for Biology I

This is resource materials for chapters 1-10 from the Concepts of Biology by Rice University OpenStax textbook.

-The syllabus folder includes information about the course description, instructions for obtaining the textbook and suggested course schedules.  All of these can be copied/pasted and modified for any syllabus.

-The PowerPoint folders have three different sets of ADA compliant PowerPoint presentations for instructors to choose from:

  •    Textbook PowerPoints - This folder contains PowerPoint slides that are in .pptx format for editing and use in face-to-face courses.  They exactly match the material in the textbook.
  •    Modified PowerPoints - This folder contains PowerPoint slides that are in .pptx format for editing and use in face-to-face courses.   They are similar to the textbook version, but I have modified them for use in my class.  Some sections have been cut out, examples/illustrations/videos have been changed or added, and the sequence may be slightly different from the textbook. 
  •    PDF PowerPoints - This folder contains PowerPoint presentations that have been saved in .pdf format.  This version is easier to use for online or hybrid courses, but cannot be modified.  If modifications are needed, use one of the above sets of PowerPoints, modify them and re-save them as a .pdf file. 

- The Vocabulary Worksheet folder has worksheets for each of the 10 chapters using the vocabulary words found at the end of each chapter.  These are in a word document format, so they can be modified if needed.  The last file is a .pdf file that contains the keys for all ten worksheets.

- The Canvas Shell folder - If you are using Canvas LMS, you can use this OER Canvas Commons course shell file to import the shell into your course and you will have easy access to all of the above materials.

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