App Authors

Get Started

Welcome! We've posted three takes on the App Authors curriculum; one sequential, one semi-sequential, and one non-sequential.  In the sequential curriculum, each lesson builds on the prior ones, so it's ideal for schools or other settings where the same participants return every session; the semi-sequential curriculum offers a mixed approach that provides goals and concepts valuable to the one-time participant as well as the returners, so it's particularly suitable to a public library program; the non-sequential curriculum offers thematically focused freestanding sessions, making it useful for venues where attendees may be interested in one topic or all.

We include the slides and detailed lesson plans we've used for each session of the sequential and semi-sequential pathways, and throughout we include suggestions for activities and worksheets for you to use.  These are all options and not requirements; we change which activities we lead and which worksheets we use to suit the situation, venue, and session leader and we encourage you to do the same.

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