Percents & the U.S. Electoral College

U.S. Electoral Map
Electoral_College_2016.svg.pngU.S. Electoral Map

U.S. Electoral Map

Mathematics (i.e. statistics) and social studies (specifically history & civics) are strongly connected.  This lesson will create a cross-curricular experience for your classroom in their areas of math and social studies that could be helpful to students that are embarking on remediation or enrichment.  

Key Objective(s):  Define majority, popular vote, & electoral college.
Key Question(s):  What is the difference between majority and plurality as it relates to the mathematics involved in U.S. Presidential Elections?


1.  Utilize this website: & discuss controversial U.S. Presidential Elections.
2.  Use the PowerPoint (see attachment) in conjunction with the website and relevant lesson.
3.  Students will provide written responses that can be used for active student participation & responses (i.e. oral Q&A, literacy promotion through writing answers on the board). 

Download: Percents_and_the_Electoral_College.pptx

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