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  • sustainable-chemistry
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The topic of my research in Chemistry is Preparation of Heterogenous Catalysts and their applications in various Organic reactions. This is the broad area of my research. I have identified this field of interest on which I would be spending the next 2.5 to 3 years roughly. Nanotechnology is concerned with the exploration of new nano systems in the physical, chemical and the biological world. The fascination with the nanoscale materials arose from the acquisition of new traits at nano scale, and how the changes in size and shape attribute to change in properties. By replacing traditional bulk materials with equivalent nanoparticles (NPs), we can provide environmentally acceptable and cost-effective approaches for transforming basic materials into valuable chemicals and thereby enhance and use them as active and stable heterogeneous catalysts. Through all the literature survey which I have done, I have designed a 3-stepped process for the synthesis of my heterogeneous catalyst.

Material Type:
Case Study
Bhuwaneshwari Chandrashekharan
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