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  • rocky-intertidal
Fab Four Phyla
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The Fab Four Phyla lesson provides an introduction to the main family groups of intertidal animals found in the Alaskan coastal rocky intertidal zone. The objective of the lesson is to help students become familiar with the four most abundant marine invertebrate phyla that can be observed on a field trip experience and the defining characteristics of each. If unable to do a field trip, this lesson will provide the foundation for understanding the key marine invertebrate phyla in a rocky intertidal ecosystem and an understanding of adaptations animals have to survive living in a particular intertidal zone.The lesson includes photos of marine invertebrates for each of the phyla, downloadable information sheets and an Intertidal Field Guide Atlas, a PowerPoint presentation on marine invertebrates and an instructional video about animal adaptations in the intertidal zone.

Environmental Science
Material Type:
Elizabeth Trowbridge
Date Added: