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Computer Science Midterm Paper
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0.0 stars

The midterm represents the final week of working in Word. You will be asked to complete documents that demonstrate that you understand basic rules and best practices to ensure your online research is reliable as well as demonstrate skill in the proper use of Word features covered during the first 5 weeks of the course.

Skills & Knowledge Attained:
*Time management – You were asked to think about your midterm topic in week 1 and declare it in a post in week 2 and given several weeks to prepare and do the necessary research. Research document should demonstrate the time provided was used to spread out the work so that it was not done in a rush and/or at the last minute.
*Best practices on how to check a website for accuracy and truth as well as appropriateness as research source.
*Proper application of MLA requirements using Microsoft Word Reference features, such as adding footnotes, citations, and generating a bibliography from correctly added citations as well as placement and content of appropriate header and footer.
*The paper should be an original piece of writing based on properly cited online research, that demonstrates understanding of the topic researched and should explain in your own words, using proper spelling and grammar, what you have learned about your chosen topic.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Maria Julia Sorrentino
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