3.MD.C.7d Area of a Rectilinear Figure-Dog Park--Remix

3.MD.C.7d Area of a Rectilinear Figure (Concrete Referents)

Evidence Statement 3.C.3-2- Base explanations/reasoning on concrete referents such as diagrams (whether provided in the prompt or constructed by the student in their response), connecting the diagrams to a written (symbolic) method.

The Dog Park

A model of a dog park is shown.

The rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park. One area of the figure is 9 meters long and 7 meters wide. The other area of the figure is 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.
Dog_playground_model.JPGThe rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park. One area of the figure is 9 meters long and 7 meters wide. The other area of the figure is 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.

The rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park. One area of the figure is 9 meters long and 7 meters wide. The other area of the figure is 10 meters long and 8 meters wide.

  • Find the area, in square meters, of the dog park. 
  • Explain your answer using an equation or equations. 
  • Enter your answer and your explanation using your equation or equations in the space provided.

The Dog Park II

A model of a dog park is shown.

The rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park, similar to the one in Dog Park I. This figure asks students to compare the computation of this figure in Dog Park II with the figure in Dog Park I.
dog_park.jpgThe rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park, similar to the one in Dog Park I. This figure asks students to compare the computation of this figure in Dog Park II with the figure in Dog Park I.

The rectilinear figure represents a model of a dog park, similar to the one in Dog Park I. This figure asks students to compare the computation of this figure in Dog Park II with the figure in Dog Park I.

  • If asked to find the area of this dog park, what about the structure of the problem is different?
  • What is the same about the structure of this problem?
  • If your equation for Dog Park I was: ( length * width ) + ( length * width), how would you describe the calculation for Dog Park II using a number sentence?
  • How would you describe the equation for Dog Park II using words or symbols?


Student Copy

Download: 3.MD.C.7d_TheDogPark_III.docx

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