Interactive Outdoor School Journal

Rules For Outdoor School

Some behavioral guidelines are necessary at Outdoor School. These are simple, common sense rules that students must realize are good for everyone. These guidelines are not meant to restrict students from having an enjoyable experience, but rather to ensure safety and equal enjoyment for all students.


  1. Students are not allowed to enter other cabins.

  2. Students are expected to be in bed and quiet by lights out time.

  3. Students will remain in the cabins at night (except for emergencies) until counselors wake them for breakfast.

  4. Pillow fights or roughhousing of any kind is not permitted.

  5. Students will stay with their group at all times.

  6. Directions given by counselors will be followed.

Trails and Grounds

  1. Stay on the trail and walk with your counselor.

  2. No running, throwing, pushing, or using walking sticks.

  3. Students will not remove or harm any living plant or animal.

  4. Listen quietly at all times when counselor or teacher is speaking.

Dining Hall

  1. Talk quietly at your table.

  2. Only the GO-FIR is allowed up during the meal.

  3. Following the meal, each cabin group will quietly assist in cleaning their table.

  4. No throwing or playing with your food.

  5. Listen quietly at all times when teacher or counselor is speaking.


  1. Stay with your counselor when going to and from the campfire area.

  2. Talk quietly along the trails.

  3. Only counselors and teachers will tend to the fire.

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