Designing a Tunnel: An Earth Science Design Challenge

Performance Tasks

The students will identify a site to build their tunnel through.

The students will record their estimate for how long they think it will take to drill through their side of the mountain.  

The students will drill through their tunnel.

The students will build a tunnel.

The students will test their tunnel.

The students will improve their design after testing.  

Other Evidence

The students will communicate and collaborate with each other to make decisions about where to build the tunnel, how to drill through the tunnel, what materials to build the tunnel with.  

The students will be creative with their design and presentation.

Key Criteria

The teacher will assess the students’ projects by use of a rubric.  The rubric will include the following criteria:

The ability to communicate and collaborate in  a group.

The ability to think creatively and critically when choosing methods for drilling.  

The ability to think creatively and critically when choosing a design for their tunnel.  

The tunnel will be weather-proof, resist weight, and make minimum changes to the landscape around them.  

The final project includes their personal estimate for drilling time, data collected throughout the drilling and building process, images of their final project, testing results, and a reflection on what to do with the raw materials after drilling the mountain.  

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