ENG 243 - Introduction to the Short Story

ENG 243-01 Syllabus: Introduction to the Short Story

Dr. Suzanne O'Brien, Instructor 

Fall 2016, section 01

Office and Phone: 319-H Main Bldg.  810-989-5747

Twitter @autumnenglish 

College website: www.sc4.edu

SC4 Mission and Vision: Our mission is to maximize student success.

Our vision is to create an academic and cultural environment that empowers students to succeed

Course Description

Catalog description

ENG 243 Modern Short Story.  The short story is studied in-depth as a literary form with emphasis on analysis.  Through reading, discussing, and writing about historical, international and multi-cultural stories, students understand plurality of values, ethics and aesthetics related to society and culture.

                Prerequisite:  ENG 101 and 102, or permission of the instructor

                3 credits = 3 lecture GA (Global Awareness)


Text Required:  None.  

All readings will be available Via Microsoft Onedrive and the SC4 Library

Library Course Reserves http://esearch.sc4.edu/er.php Detailed course reserve access instructions will be distributed to students at the start of the semester.

Purdue Online Writing Lab: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/679/01/ 

**Note:  Microsoft 365, the free set of services and applications for SC4 students is REQUIRED.  Students will be provided with assistance and support so they are able to access and download the office suite that includes Word, OneNote, and Yammer. https://portal.sc4.edu/studentresources/Technology/Documents/OFFICE%20365%20021916.pdf

writing a paper meme.
viggo.jpgwriting a paper meme.

one does not simply write a paper. O'brien will force you to access it 365.


 Your grade for the course will be based on the following:

1. One take home exam and one paper, of four to six pages each, worth one-hundred points each

2. Four-6 quizzes, worth 100 points total

3. Four personal response and discussion presentations, worth twenty-five points each. 

4. Two responses to discussion presentations, worth ten points for each

5. The final capstone project, worth one-hundred points

The total number of points possible, then, is 520.  To determine your grade at any point in the course, simply divide the number of points possible into the number of points you have earned.  The resulting percentage (with attendance taken into consideration) translates into the following grade:













The assignments have been modified from the previous offering of 243.

     All written assignments are based on the readings, student research, and discussion.  A schedule with reading, writing and presentation assignments organized by unit and week (O’Brien’s famous Squares of Justice) will be provided separately and is subject to change.

Unit 1.  Textual Tours: Lit Critters

Monomyth, Innocence to Experience, Lit with a capital “L”

Hawthorne, Singer, Alexie, Kaplan, Oates

  • Quiz
  • Response #1

Unit 2. Authors and Approaches (psychological, biographical, genre) 

Poe, Grafton, Gilman, Ellison, O’Connor, Carver, Wright, Wallace, King, Vonnegut

  • Take home exam
  • Response #2
  • Quiz


Unit 3.  Textual “GA”

Joyce, Barr, Akutagawa, Kafka, Lahri, Atwood

  • Paper
  • Quiz
  • Response #3

Unit 4.  Capstone Project

Johnson and Johnson J

ü  Quiz

ü  Instructor-approved Original Short story or

ü  In-depth presentation


All written assignments are based on the readings, student research, and discussion.  A schedule with reading, writing and presentation assignments organized by unit and week (O’Brien’s famous Squares of Justice) will be provided separately and is subject to change. 

Unit 1

Textual Tours: Lit Critters

Monomyth, Innocence to Experience, Lit with a capital “L”

Hawthorne, Singer, Alexie, Kaplan, Oates

  • Quiz
  • Response #1

Unit 2

Authors and Approaches (psychological, biographical, genre) 

Poe, Grafton, Gilman, Ellison, O’Connor, Carver, Wright, Wallace, King, Vonnegut

  • Take home exam
  • Response #2
  • Quiz

Unit 3

Textual “GA”

Joyce, Barr, Akutagawa, Kafka, Lahri, Atwood

  • Paper
  • Quiz
  • Response #3

Unit 4

Johnson and Johnson J


Instructor-approved Original Short story or

In-depth presentation

Assignment Policies

  1. All units and requirements for the class must be complete.
  2. Students must meet attendance guidelines and complete all of the assignments on time.
  3.  I follow the College policy regarding incompletes; the student must be in good standing, with 80% of the work already complete. Please see the catalog for additional information.  I do not grant incompletes for missing or failing work, however.
  4. I do not take late work or allow make ups because students are responsible to keep track of their points and assignments. Instead, I encourage students to do extra credit* to make up for missing or weak assignments other than the final unit requirement. Whether students need additional points to boost a weak grade or move from B+ to A-, for example, makes no difference.  All students have the same opportunity.
  5. Attendance: Students with more than 6 absences (three weeks) EXCUSED OR UNEXCUSED will receive an “E” unless they withdraw from the course by Saturday, November 12th. Please schedule doctor’s appointments and other meetings some other time, and I will do the same.  If you exceed this limit, you will not pass.
  6. If you are late more than three times, I will count each time you are late after that as an absence. If I am late, (and I don’t plan on it), I will apologize and make up the time.


Plagiarism is considered academic theft and most students and writers know it involves using the words of someone else and not giving proper credit. Many of the issues are caused by a lack of attention to taking appropriate notes and overuse of the cut-and-paste editing tool. If there is a concern regarding a student’s assignment, the student will be contacted for a meeting in the instructor’s office and further steps will be taken ranging from failure on the assignment to addition consequences based on the situation.   I will fail ANY PAPER or ASSIGNMENT that belongs to someone else, was written by someone else, cut and pasted from somewhere else, or copied with the words changed a little bit.  Don’t cheat on quizzes and tests or do other people’s work. Do not have parents and significant others do part of your work. Please see the college policy on Academic Honesty in the College catalog.  Acts of plagiarism are taken very seriously.  If you are caught twice, I will give you a failing grade for the course and refer you to the Academic Lead and the Chief Academic Officer.

Extra Credit

I don’t take late assignments, so I provide opportunities for extra credit.  Handouts, directions, grading criteria and due dates will be provided. Extra credit assignments must be done according to the same guidelines as “regular” assignments and require effort. 

Assignment Guidelines

Assistance and deadlines

The writing center is located in Main 302/313 (right next to our classroom) and printers are available there.  Copies for review that don’t open are not the problem of the instructor.  Papers must be turned in by the deadline in hard copy form unless specified and correctly formatted.  Deadlines are 4:00 pm to prevent difficulties with weather, schedules, transportation, printers, and software.  

SC4 + Office = Success
sc4office365.jpgSC4 + Office = Success

SC4 + Office = Success

Assignment Format

All drafts must be typed.  Use standard typing paper, the type that is in the printers in our lab, and double space with about one inch margins (the default setting for your program). Please use your 365 Microsoft Word MLA template.

     Your Microsoft Word document will be double-spaced.  Since the template allows an extra double-space between paragraphs, I will adhere to the 365 office standard setting.  Using the template, put your name, my name, the course and section number (01 or 06), and the date in the upper left-hand corner. The template will automatically set your paper to 12 point times roman.

       Then center your title. On additional pages, do use the insert feature to add the page number in the upper-right corner. DO NOT use a title page, plastic cover, or other folder.  Please staple the paper in the upper-left corner before turning it in.

  Please be aware that your instructor has viewed YouTube and Wikihow for the latest on how to make a student paper appear longer. Additional format information is in our textbook and on the Owl (Online Writing Lab) website.

Concerns, complaints, problems

     Students who have concerns about any aspect of the class are encouraged to see the instructor in her office at any time. However, if a student is not comfortable discussing matters with the instructor, he or she is encouraged to make an appointment to discuss communication barriers or policy issues with the Humanities Division Academic Lead for 101, Professor Jim Frank, 989-5589 (jfrank@sc4.edu).  Our supervisor is the Chief Academic Officer, Mr. Neese.  His number is 810-989-5585 (jneese@sc4.edu).  The complaint/grievance process is outlined in the College catalog and on the SC4 website.  

St. Clair County Community College Logo
High res logo 2.jpgSt. Clair County Community College Logo

St. Clair County Community College Logo

Accommodations and support

Disability and special services support is provided by a coordinator in the Academic Achievement Center (810-989-5759).  The center also provides tutoring for all students and additional resources for those with special needs.  If you have any needs, please let your instructor know.  The writing center is also provided with copies of the assignments and a textbook (810-984-3881 ext. 6223). SC4 also provides TRiO support (see me for a referral to see if you qualify), educational planning, career services, veteran’s support services and many other programs and resources. I am happy to assist with referrals.  Additional information regarding equal education opportunity, human resources, due process, issues of conduct and sexual harassment are in the College catalog and available online.  This class follows all college policies and ADA guidelines. 

Cell phone policy

There may be times where I need to collect cell phones for in class work that is graded. Please turn off your cell phone and forget about texting in class.

Kindness policy

I like to joke and keep things relaxed.  However, pleasetreat other students in the class the way you would like to be treated. Prepare for class and be ready to help your group. If I say something accidentally that makes you uncomfortable, please see me right after class so we can work things out.

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