Student Created OER--A Tale of Two Cities

Book 2: Chapter 2

Alicia's audio and video version of Book 2 Chapter 2

Audio Version of The Tale of Two Cities By: Charles Dickens (Book 2, Chapter 2)

Book 2: Chapter 3

This presentation by Bri contains the original text of the chapter along with her summaries and original illustrations
Book 2: Chapter 3

Taylor's Prezi also contains original artwork and study materials for Book 2: Chapter 3

Book 2: Chapter 3

Book 2: Chapter 4

1. Kyler's Analysis and Interpretation of Charles Darnay and Sydney Carton. This is a video reenactment of the chapter by student actors:

Sydney Carton A Tale of Two CitiesVideo reenactment of Book 2 Chapter 4 of A Tale of Two Cities 

2. Audio book with original artwork by Sarah V.

Book 2: Chapter 5

Ethan B's Chapter summary for Book 2, Chapter 5

A Tale of Two Cities: The Jackal

Book 2: Chapter 7

A Quizlet created by Hannah to help students review this chapter

Monseigneur in Town

Book 2: Chapter 8

Helpful study resource in Prezi format by Lindsey H

Book 2: Chapter 8

Book 2: Chapter 9

An audio version by of the chapter with sound effects--created by TJ:

Book 2: Chapter 9

Book 2: Chapter 12

Ethan's version of "No Fear Dickens" with the original text and his interpretations

Book 2 Chapter 12

Book 2: Chapter 15

A resource written like a children's book about this chapter, with original illustrations by Katie


Book 2: Chapter 13

Abigail created an animated version of this chapter

Download: Book 2 Chapter 13

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