All resources in Wisconsin Digital Learning Collaborative CCSS Math Resources

Math Tours: Fractions

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Students need many concrete experiences with fractions to develop a deep understanding of the three models of fractions: area, linear and set models. Teachers need to address all three models in well-designed instructional activities so that students develop a rich concept of fractions that they can use to make sense of numbers, operations, measurement and probability. The Math Tours include: activities, problem solving, games, writing to learn, templates, math-literature connections, and web links. Each page has a left navigation bar to easily take you through the tour and back to the homepage or the math topics page.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game

Author: Terry Kawas

Cube definition and properties

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An interactive applet and associated web page that demonstrate the properties of a cube. A 3-D cube is shown in the applet which can be interactively manipulated using the mouse. Research has shown that some younger students have difficulty visualizing the parts of a 3D object that are hidden. To help with this, the student can rotate the cube in any axis simply by dragging it with the mouse. It can also be 'exploded' - where a slider gradually separates the faces to reveal the ones behind. The cube can also be made translucent so you see through it to the other side. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector, and printed to make handouts. This resource is a component of the Math Open Reference Interactive Geometry textbook project at

Material Type: Reading, Simulation

Author: John Page

Perimeter of a polygon

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A web page and interactive applet show how to compute the perimeter of a polygon. A polygon is shown that can be resized by dragging its vertices. As you drag, the perimeter is continuously recalculated. Text on the page explains that the perimeter is the sum of the sides. For those who prefer it, in a formula that is given. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector. This resource is a component of the Math Open Reference interactive geometry reference book project at

Material Type: Reading, Simulation

Author: John Page


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An interactive applet and associated web page that introduce the concept of a triangle. The applet shows a triangle where the user can drag the vertices to reshape it. As it is being dragged a base and altitude are shown continuously changing. Demonstrates that the altitude may require the base to be extended. The text on the page lists the properties of a triangle and lists the various triangle types, with links to a definition of each. Applet can be enlarged to full screen size for use with a classroom projector. This resource is a component of the Math Open Reference Interactive Geometry textbook project at

Material Type: Reading, Simulation

Author: John Page