
Katakana Bingo, Novice Low, Japanese 101, Online

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The students will have a selection of bingo rounds to practice katakana with. Start with bingo 1 to practice the basic characters and prepare the students for a more difficult game. Then go to bingo 2 which will be a more exciting game where students will practice full katakana words. If time permits, you can continue into a third round and circle different items. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Camille Daw, Amber Hoye, Mimi Fahnstrom

Japanese 201 - Lab 02 (日本語201ラボ第二)

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In this activity, students will practice discussing their work and what they do while they are working. Students will also discuss the jobs they want in the future. NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements:I can describe where I work and what I do. 私は働く場所と仕事のために何をするか写せるI can tell an employer why I want to work for them.私は 雇い主に働きたい理由を教えてあげられるI can arrange a meeting time that works for me.私は集まりのいい時間を決められる

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Blake Simmerman, Amber Hoye

Japanese 201 - Lab 03 (日本語201ラボ第三)

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In this activity, students will practice talking about their childhood- toys they played with, activities they did. In the main activity, students will recall a story from their childhood and retell the story to the group. They will also discuss this story with their peers. NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements: I can tell a story about my life using complete, connected sentences. 私は完全なつないだ文を使って自分の生活について話ができることI can understand and ask questions about my peers’ childhood experiences.私のクラスメートの子供の話について質問が答えて理解できることI can contribute to a conversation about a story by identifying who, what, when, and where.誰、何を、いつ、どこで特定することで話について会話にこうけんできること 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Blake Simmerman, Amber Hoye

Japanese 201 - Lab 04 (日本語201ラボ第四)

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This idea of this lab would be to ask “grab-bag” style questions regarding a number of topics. These will be loose questions that are meant to help spark conversation. So it is okay if you don’t get through all of them or if you change them a bit to better fit what students want to talk about! NCSSFL-ACTFL Can Do Statements: I can ask and answer questions about things I am doing in my free time暇の時間について質問を聞いて答えられます。I can exchange with others some ideas about ways to stay healthy.他の人と健康を維持する方法について話せます。I can exchange recommendations with my peers regarding things I do in my daily life.クラスメートと生活のお勧めことについて話せます。 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: Blake Simmerman, Amber Hoye