All resources in Nebraska Physical Education

Are we consuming more calories than we are putting out? How is our calorie intake affecting obesity and how do you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle?

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In this problem-based learning module, students will be asked to brainstorm ideas and think innovatively both independently and collaboratively in addressing a real-world problem that is relevant to their daily lives and  health.  Are students aware of their calorie intake and how it affects their overall health? Students will investigate the calories consumed in a typical day and how much physical activity is needed to stay healthy and fit.  Students/teams will be encouraged to use the internet for research purposes in their design phase. Students will utilize various online platforms to design an infographic that can be shared with relevant individuals in the community and others in the school building

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Blended Learning Teacher Practice Network


Team Challenge: Galaxy Defenders

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Team Challenges are activities intended to develop and/or apply the following skills: Problem Solving - Appropriate Risk Taking - Developing Working Relationships - Cooperation - Leadership - Communication - Creative Thinking - Building of Trust - Decision Making - Goal Setting - Physical Skill Development

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Luke Garringer

Sidewalk Chalk AMRAP Workout

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This is a great way to get students to be creative with their own workout.  The addition of sidewalk chalk as a material to use makes it different and fun.  Students also like that this lesson is done outside.  There are so many variations of this that can be developed the possibilities are endless.  Would be a great tool if your school is in a virtual or at home learning setting.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Michelle Fisher

Tabata Workout

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Interval training is a great way to keep your class fast paced, students engaged and they are easy to apply to future assessment tools.  Incorporate fun music and your students will be asking to do tabata's once a week.  (We call it Tabata Tuesday in my classes)

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Michelle Fisher

Performance Enhancing Drugs

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Athletes always try to gain an advantage over their opponent. They work out hard, meticulously watch what they eat, and in some cases take supplements. Some athletes even go to the extreme and take performance enhancing drugs, steroids, known as PED’s. This seminar will provide the learner the ability to acquire and integrate the knowledge of the history of performance enhancing drugs into today's sports world.StandardsCC.1.2.11–12.ADetermine and analyze the relationship between two or more central ideas of a text, including the development and interaction of the central ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.CC.1.2.11–12.BCite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences and conclusions based on and related to an author’s implicit and explicit assumptions and beliefs.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Tracy Rains