Teacher-centered Webinar

by Melissa Mitchell 6 years, 8 months ago

Hello Everyone,

I spoke with you about a teacher-centered webinar that would highlight the ways in which you have implemented the content and primary resources you gained from the AHEC program into your classrooms.  I am looking for a few more teachers who would be willing to demonstrate a lesson via webinar accompanied by a brief PPT to show how you use or plan to use primary sources in your classroom.  Each teacher's demonstrations would vary in duration depending on your activity, ranging from 10-20 minutes.  

Please let me know if you are interested.  I am tentatively planning the webinar for mid to late November and they usually take place on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm.  I will provide everything you need by way of template to prepare your PPT.  I look forward to hearing from you.