Survey of American Literature: ENG 252 (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Unit 1: Beginning-of-the-year handouts and activities
Guided Discussion Questions, Survey of American Literature, American Literature Through Uncle Tom's Cabin, Primary texts, Essay Assignments
Unit 2: This "American" Idea?
Unit 3, 1630-1741: Winthrop, Rowlandson, Bradstreet, and Edwards
Unit 4:1776-1791: Paine, Jefferson, Franklin, Rowson
Unit 5: 1799-1819: Early Gothicism, Brockden Brown and Irving
Unit 6: 1845-1861: Slave Narratives, Douglass and Jacobs
Unit 7: 1846-1844: Romanticism and Gothicism, Poe and Hawthorne
Unit 8: 1841-1854: Transcendentalism, Emerson and Thoreau
Unit 9: 1855-1860: Whitman, Dickinson - Poetic Revolution
Unit 10: 1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe


This is a free online college course which is a chronological survey of American Literature from before the Revolutionary War to the Civil War. The Word documents include a syllabus and course outline, handouts and exercises preparing students for college-level academic work, discussion questions, homework assignments, overviews of movements, reading quizzes, exams, and essay assignments. Instructors are encouraged to modify any and all files in this resource.