Clime Time ESD 123 Earth Systems and Changes (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Earth Systems and Changes:  Claims, Evidence and Reasoning With Earth Science Maps
Learning goals:
Understand Claims Evidence and Reasoning using plate tectonics maps, Review how to read a standard, Understand the use of phenomena in NGSS
Climate, Weather, Earth and :Earth Processes, Earth and :Earth Structure:Ocean and Water, Fossil Based Evidence
Earth Systems and Changes: Models and Explanations for Effect of Ocean Currents on Climate
Learning goals:
Deepen understanding of Formative Assessment Classroom Tasks, Review the 3 Dimensions of the NGSS, Analyze Arguing from Evidence for use as a FACT, Engage in Models and Explanations as a FACT, Begin to develop grade level Formative Assessment Classroom Tasks
Ocean, Currents, Climate, Weather
Earth Systems and Changes: Climate Impact on Native Bees and Formative Classroom Tasks
Learning goals:
Experience and analyze a Climate Science related lesson, Deepen understanding of Claims, Evidence and Reasoning as a Formative Assessment Classroom Task, Understand how to Support Ongoing Changes in Student Thinking, Share Implementation Progress
native bees, Temperature and Heat, Climate, Phenology, Formative Assessment, Student Thinking, change in student thinking


Earth Systems and Changes from Educational Service District 123, provides professional learning resources for K-5 teachers around elementary Earth Science and Climate Science related standards content. It also provides learning to assist in the development of classroom tasks: Claims, Evidence Reasoning, and Models and Explanations, that can be used formatively to elicit student ideas and to support changes in student thinking over time. License: License: Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY) Except where otherwise noted, this template by Educational Service District 123 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners. Content within template is the copyright of the creator.