Modern Parenting Styles

Lesson Topic:

Modern Parenting Styles

Lesson Description:

A different look at various "modern" parenting styles that we see within our society & the impact they have on children across the lifespan.

Learning Goals/Outcomes:

Students will be able to differentiate & describe the modern parenting styles of helicopter parents, underparents, lawnmower parents, outsourcer, & tiger parents.

Students will be able to discuss the impact of parenting styles on the development of children throughout the lifespan.

Nebraska Standards:

NE.HSE.HS.1.10.C: Analyze consequences of parenting practices to the individual, family, and society.

NE.HSE.HS.1.10.G: Compare and contrast parenting styles to examine the impact on development.

Teacher Planning:

Equipment/Materials Needed:

Time Required for Lesson:

  • 100 minutes (2 class periods)

Lab Set-up:

  • Set up art supplies in whatever manner works best for students.

Technology Use:

_____ YES                   X    NO

Instructional Plan:

Anticipatory Set/Pre-Activity:

  • Show the GMA Tiger Mom Video to students.
  • Discuss any points of interest or concern that students bring up.

Benefits/Explanation/Career Readiness Standards:

  • 2. Communicates effectively and appropriately.
  • 6. Demonstrates innovation and creativity.
  • 8. Works productively in teams and demonstrates cultural competency.

Activities (i.e. instructions, lesson, lab or project):

  • Pass out a copy of the 'Bringing Up Baby' article to each student.
  • Read through the article together as a class discussing the pros & cons of each of the parenting styles discussed.
  • Lead a discussion with students about the effects of these parenting styles on children at various points in their lifespan; what are the pros & cons of these styles now versus when the children get older?
  • Help students see the connection between parenting styles & the personalities of children as they grow into young adults & parents themselves.
  • When it seems like students have an understanding of the impact of parenting styles, go over the the requirements for the Modern Parenting Visual they will be creating (last slide of the Modern Parenting Slides).
  • Students can be grouped together & randomly assigned a modern parenting style or they can choose their groups & their parenting style; just ensure that all parenting styles from the article are covered.
  • Allow students a set amount of class time to complete their visuals. Encourage students to focus on making it a visual NOT an informative poster. The poster should be a visual representation (similar to a cartoon) of what the parenting style looks like in real life.
  • If time allows, students can present their posters to the class & the class can determine what parenting style each group had.


  • Review the various modern parenting styles & discuss the impact that parenting style has on development throughout the lifespan.

Assessment :

The visual poster that students create serves as a formative assessment. A summative assessment over the unit or similar topics covered could include questions or a reflection over the modern parenting styles learned in this lesson.

Supplemental Information:


Any modifications or accommodations could be made for this lesson based on time available, students, & class sizes.

This lesson could be modified to work better for students in middle school (grades 6-8).

Safety Precautions:


Comments (adaptations for various grades/ages, teaching styles, etc.)

There a variety of different activities that could be added to this lesson based on how in-depth the lesson needs to be. There many other activities & discussion starters that could be included to go further into the effects of parenting styles & how parenting affects children throughout the lifespan.

Download: Modern_Parenting_Styles.pdf

Download: Bringing_Up_Baby_Article.pdf

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