Clothing - Arabic 2

Stage 1: What will students  be able to do at the end of this lesson?

Students will create a story involving someone going shopping for clothes.

Students will describe the clothing that classmates are wearing.


 IL 29.C.2a  Read, retell and summarize stories.

 IL 28.B.2b  Produce language using proper pronunciation.


Stage 2: How will you know that students can do that?

-         Introduce the 2nd unit to students which will focus on clothing, colors, additional adjectives and additional daily activities.r

-          Create a story:

1-    Read the words from the powerpoint that we will use in the story.

2-    Choose  actors for the story —add details about them by asking questions:

Names, where they were (be as specific as possible – name of state, city, place (proper noun?).  Then,verify the details with the actors and with the class.

3-    Creat the story with the students- after 10 -15 minutes – each 2 students will retell what happened in the story to each other.

4-    The story is about a man who went to a clothing store.  The man only speaks English and the clerk at the store only speaks Arabic.  The clerk shows the man articles of clothing in order to understand what he is looking for.  The man keeps saying, "No, no." until they reach the socks.  He points to the socks excitedly and said “Yes, yes. I want the socks.”

5-    I ask the class if someone wants to retell the class what happened in the story.

6-    I ask the students to summarize the story in their journals.

-         I will describe for students what I am wearing and then I will ask 2 or 3 students about what are they wearing.

-         Each student will ask 4 or more students about what are they wearing

-         Students will finish their Comprehension Check .


Stage 3: What instructional activities will be used?

Activity 1: Creating a story

Activity 2: Ask 4 students- What are you wearing?

Closing/Activity 3: Complete Comprehension Check


Materials needed for this lesson: PowerPoint (worksheet) , articles of clothing, Comprehension Check 

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