Family Living Pathway

Pathway Summary:

This pathway is for students who are interested in maintaining a healthy and happy lifestyle and will appeal to food and nutrition enthusiasts. The pathway is designed for students to understand the principles of food, nutrition, cooking skills, and how to understand finances. You will understand different topics such as healthy eating habits, food safety, cooking terms, balancing budgets, and other important things that will help you live your life on a daily basis.





1- Food and Nutrition

Background Seminar: Safety in the Kitchen

Seminar 1: Cooking Terms and Tools

Seminar 2: Cooking Equipment

Seminar 3: Food Consumerism

Seminar 4: Food Storage

Seminar 5: Recipes and Menu Planning

Seminar 6: Nutrition


Challenge 1 -

Factory Farming

2- Cooking and Foods

Background Seminar: Food and Drug Administration

Seminar 1: Grains, Pastas, and Soup

Seminar 2: Fruits, Vegetables, and Salad

Seminar 3: Dairy

Seminar 4: Meats, Poultry, Seafood

Seminar 5: Sugar, Candy, Fats, and Desserts

Seminar 6: Spices, Garnishes, and Condiments


Challenge 2 - Comfort or Nutrition

3-  Financial Literacy

Background Seminar: SMART goals

Seminar 1: Budgeting

Seminar 2: Savings

Seminar 3: Investing and Strategies

Seminar 4: Credit

Seminar 5: Debt

Seminar 6: Implement Your Financial Plan


Challenge 3 - Can Money Buy Happiness?

Creative Commons License

Family Living by K12 Learning Unlimited is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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Foods and Nutrition and Financial Literacy course materials created by the Open High School of Utah are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

This course contains open educational resources produced by other organizations which may use a different open license. Please confirm the license status of these third-party resources before reusing them. See OpenCourseWare for additional information about licensing.

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