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  • NE.HS.HS.10.1.d - Describe how psychological factors influence sports, exercise, and phy...
Preparing the Mind - Mental Health & Injury Recovery
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In this lesson, students learn about psychological variables that can affect athletic performance. Students will also be able to identify strategies to help athletes cope with stresses. The knowledge acquired will be incorporated within a player injury profile. This lesson 3 of 4 is a part of a injury management project.In this lesson students learn the basic terminology related to sports psychology and psychological variables that can affect athletic performance. Students will be able to understand coping strategies to help athletes deal with sport related stresses. The activities used to aid in understanding of sports psychology will be a lecture and video and article response writing along with  group discussion to athletes dealing with psychological barriers and how they cope with them.

Health, Medicine and Nursing
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Jamelyn Denny
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