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  • human-geography
Redlining, Tree Equity, and Environmental Racism
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn how redlining connects to tree equity and racial justice.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson introduces the concepts of redlining, tree equity, and environmental racism to students. It walks students through the history of these practices and how the effects of these policies are still seen today. The links all provide detailed information about where their data is from and have been reviewed for accuracy. This resource is recommended for teaching.

-This lesson provides a clear story between redlining in the 1930s and environmental injustice seen today.
-This lesson shows students a tangible effect of systemic racism.
-Students are given voice and choice in this lesson.
-Students are empowered to think about solutions to environmental injustice.

-Students should have some basic understanding that racism exists whether one perpetrates individual racist acts or not.
-Students should have some basic understanding that systems or policies can be racist.

-Extension activities can have students explore other forms of environmental injustice stemming from redlining. Examples include health issues, air pollution, urban heat, industrial pollution, water quality, etc.
-Student groups can pair up to compare and contrast different regions in New Jersey.
-Students can research policies or movements in addressing redlining in New Jersey.
-Students can research the relationship between redlining and voter suppression.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Political Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Dan Castrigano
Yen-Yen Chiu
Date Added:
Should We Dam Nanticoke Creek?
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this decision-making exercise, students investigate what would occur if a dam were built along Nanticoke Creek, a real stream just north of West Corners near the Village of Endicott, New York. They will use topographic maps to determine how much area would be flooded by the new reservoir, to study river drainages, and to consider the impacts of dams on a region. They must also consider rivers in the context of their relation to humankind. The exercise can be extended to other, more local locations having similar topography.

Physical Science
Space Science
Material Type:
UCAR Staff
Provider Set:
New York State Earth Science Instructional Collection
Philip Childs
Date Added:
Strengthening and Indigenizing the Presence of the Indigenous Peoples of Oregon
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

SYNOPSIS: In this lesson, students learn about the Indigenous peoples of Oregon’s distinct ways of knowing and living, how colonization damaged Indigenous lands and natural resources, and what can be done to start to repair some of the damage.

SCIENTIST NOTES: This lesson underscores the importance of strengthening and building the capacity of the Indigenous peoples of Oregon to protect their lands, territories, and natural resources. It allows students to gain insights into the history of the Indigenous peoples, reflect on how they were colonized, and understand how the nine tribes have evolved from the past to the present. It also stretches students' ability to develop tactics to help support the Indigenous peoples to protect their lands from degradation. The materials, images, and videos used in creating this lesson were fact-checked, and this lesson has passed our science review process.

-Students will learn that even though Indigenous people’s land was forcibly taken from them, they continue to maintain and pass on their ways of living and doing.
-Students will gain a greater sense of place as they discover which federally recognized Native American reservations are located near their community.
-Students will have the chance to reflect on their feelings and emotions as they learn about colonization and forced relocation.

-Speaking about colonization can raise emotions. Both educators and students need to understand that colonization is an ongoing process with many lands still being occupied due to broken and deceptive treaties.
-Teachers may wish to view the film, Broken Treaties, before teaching this lesson to gain a greater understanding of the history of the Indigenous peoples of Oregon. The film includes information about violent massacres that may not be appropriate for younger students. The two short segments of the film that are included in the lesson were selected because they are age-appropriate.

-Students can complete the research activity individually, in pairs, or in small groups. You can also choose to go over the research materials (articles, videos, etc.) as a class and have students answer the research questions after.
-You can give students the chance to choose any project in the Inspire section, you can limit the choices to one or two project ideas, or you can choose to have the students all complete the same project.
-As an extension, invite a Tribal member to visit the class in person or via video call.

Physical Geography
Physical Science
Social Science
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Connie Nicodemus
Date Added: