All resources in Nebraska K - 12 ELA


Using Details to Determine Theme

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Students often struggle to find theme in literature--one that is not a bumper sticker, a "moral to the story," or anything that could be applied to more than one story.  Understanding what theme is, an implicit argument the author is making, is the first step.  Then it gets more complicated as they realize that there are wrong answers (the ones that don't make sense with the story), there are undeveloped answers (ones that don't get far enough past motif but are on the right track), and there are many possible correct answers that can be explained and supported with the text. This activity uses the Generate-Sort-Connect-Elaborate strategy in small groups to help students focus on the details of the story and how they contribute to the overall point of the story.  It can be used with any piece of literature you deem appropriate for your students.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Kim Grissom


Quotation Marks in Dialogue

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This Remote Learning Plan was created by Beth Einspahr in collaboration with Eileen Barks as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE Remote Learning Plan Project. Educators worked with coaches to create Remote Learning Plans as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.The attached Remote Learning Plan is designed for Grade 5 writing students. Students will use quotation marks and corresponding punctuation correctly when editing. This Remote Learning Plan addresses the following NDE Standards: 5.2.1.h, 5.3.3.c, 5.4.2.b. 

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Lesson

Author: Molly Simpson


"Homeless Essay" and "The 1st" Poem and The Glass Castle

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 "Homeless," by Anna Quindlen, allows the student to understand homelessness as it affects many people on a broader scale. She emphasizes the individuality of homelessness, the fact that they not only lack possessions but have no place to keep them."The First" (also titled "Eviction") is a short poem by Lucille Clifton that provides the opportunity to compare and contrast the approach to the same issue through another genre.In "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls the parents choose to live as homeless students.  Students will compare and contrast the Walls' view of homelessness with Quindlen's and Clifton's.Final Assessment: How do Anna Quindlen and Lucille Clifton use language to convince the reader that their arguments have value? (focus on use of specific language, word choice, mood, tone, etc.)  Would Walls agree?

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Leslie Kreikemeier


Sonnets leading to Romeo and Juliet

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Objective: Students will learn about the traits of a sonnet and practice reading sonnets. Students will use this expose to sonnets to read the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet.Time Required: 90 minutes. Materials Needed: Internet-enabled device Student Tasks: Reading, Writing and/or Discussion 

Material Type: Lesson, Reading

Author: Tyler Barna


The Argumentative Research Project: A Step-by-Step Course

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This resource is designed to walk students through the process of completing a research project in any field of study. It covers the earliest stages of brainstorming and discussing, continues through researching and compiling sources; writing, documenting, revising, and polishing a paper; and finally presenting the research topic to a wider audience in a professional manner. The focus is on MLA format, though the course could be modified for other formats. The first unit is an introduction to the project. It asks students to draw on knowledge of issues affecting their own community and world to help generate discussion that could eventually lead to a research topic.

Material Type: Assessment, Full Course, Homework/Assignment, Lecture, Lesson Plan, Reading

Author: Kristi Bose


Identifying Text Structure

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This is a lesson plan, student worksheet, and teacher answer key to introduce identifying text structures and using appropriate graphic organizers (GO) for each text structure. There is an introduction with a video lecture from which students can get basic information and examples on 6 text structures. There is a link to more guided and independent work in this area. This is designed to take a student 45 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jani Randall

Run-On Sentences

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 This plan was created by Jean Harper  as part of the 2020 ESU-NDE  Learning Plan Project. The attached plan is designed for Grade 4 English Language Arts students. Students will evaluate sentences, recongize and correct run-on sentences. This plan addresses the following NDE Standard: NE LA 4.1.6, LA 4.1.6dIt is expected that this plan will take students 60 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: jean harper

Test Your Digital Literacy

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This digital literacy lesson plan was created by Stefanie Green as part of the 2020 NDE ELA OER Project. The attached Digital Literacy plan is designed for students in grades 9-12 and could be implemented in an English class or taught by a school librarian. The lesson will take approximately 45 minutes. View the interactive hyperdoc here:; © HyperDocs  Remixed by @CrystalDawnEd; Remixed by Stefanie Green

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Stefanie Green

Poetry Analysis

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This English Language Arts lesson focuses on the understanding of literary devices as related to poetry with poems found via will analyze tone and mood by rephrasing lines of poetry to match the author's intent.Students will explore the poet's message and defend their ideas in paragraph form.This assignment addresses Nebraska state standards: NE.LA 10.1.6.A NE.LA 10.1.6.C  NE.LA 10.1.6.K  NE.LA 10.2.2.E This lesson will take about 40-50 minutes.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Katie Schneider

Summarizing Instruction & Practice

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This lesson plan was created by Carolyn Hance as part of the 2020 NDE OER Workshop. Educators worked with coaches to create quality curriculum that can be shared with others.The lesson plan is designed for Grades 9-12 English Language Arts students. Students will gain knowledge about summarizing non-fiction material. Students will create an original summary of non-fiction material provided.  This lesson plan addresses the following NDE Standards: NE.LA 10.1.6.M;  NE.LA 10.2.2.E;  NE.LA 10.1.6.AIt is expected that this lesson will take students approximately 2-3 class periods or 90-120 minutes, depending on grade level and individual student ability. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Module

Author: Carolyn Hance