Science and Mathematics: Chemistry

Key Elements of Green Chemistry

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Green chemistry, in addition to being a science, it is also a philosophy and nearly a religion. Attendance at American Chemical Society Green Chemistry & Engineering Conferences will instill such an ideal into any attendant because of the nearly universal appeal and possibilities in this novel approach to radicalizing the business of doing science and engineering.

Material Type: Textbook

Author: Lucian Lucia

CH105: Consumer Chemistry

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Welcome to the online text resource for CH105: Consumer Chemistry. The focus of this textbook is to introduce students to the fundamental applications of organic chemistry to society, technology, and the development of consumer products. The first part of the textbook focuses on the basic fundamentals of measurements in chemistry, the scientific method, and an introduction into atoms and elements. The second part of the textbook focuses on an introduction to organic chemistry and how it is applied to our daily lives. Topics include fuels and energy, polymers, fertilizers, pesticides, food and food additives, household cleaners, cosmetics and personal care items, pharmaceuticals, and air and water pollution. Organic concepts covered include an introduction to intermolecular forces and solution dynamics, VESPR and molecular geometry, organic structure and basic chemical reactions.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Adam H. Bishop, Hadeel Abozenadah, Patricia Flatt, Scott David Bittner