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Headings Lesson: Auggie and Me

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Objective: I can identify and explain the theme of a story.After reading the book Auggie and Me: A Julian Chapter as a class (or having students read it), students are going to work in a group to create a headline for the book that captures the core idea or theme that we want to remember. Then, once they have their headline, on their own, they will take their headline and create an article that explains or supports the headline. Finally, they will work through the writing process to publish their article. *This activity should take 2-3 hours to complete. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Emily Meyer


I Wonder Why...?

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21.6–8.TL.4.1 Identify real-world issues and analyze technological resources for developing and refining questions for investigation.This activity challenges students to sharpen their observation skills and ability to wonder.  Know that virtually any source material/topic could be used.  This activity uses the topic hunger as an example. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Mike Radue


Google Level 1 Certification: Unit 7, Lesson 1: Get Your Class Organized

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This lesson was adapted from the Google for Education Training Center Materials:When starting the school year, you may get your student class list on paper, or perhaps electronically. For a whole school year, you will be assigning and collecting work to the students on this list. To help you organize your school year, it’s a good idea to digitize any paper-based class rosters you receive so you can work with them online.G Suite for Education provides you with several tools to help you with this. In this lesson we will discuss Google Classroom and (just in case you don’t have Classroom access yet) other Google tools to meet those same goals.Google Classroom is a tool built specifically for teachers and students. It provides a platform for communicating with students, assigning and collecting work, and providing learning resources. It doesn’t matter if you have one student or one hundred in your classes; Google Classroom will help you setup a digital classroom quickly and easily so you can begin focusing on teaching and learning. Classroom also integrates with other Google products like Gmail and Google Drive to create a feature-rich toolset.The materials you have access to in Google Drive are readily available in Google Classroom. The “About” section is the perfect spot to place all critical documents such as your course syllabus, the bell schedule, and your school code of conduct. Documents that have lived in Drive have a more meaningful home in your Google Classroom’s “About” section for students to reference.If Classroom is not an option for your institution, don’t worry! There are other Google tools (like Google Sheets) that you can use to organize your communications and assignments with students. We’ll look at these too.Let’s go through the lesson now, so you can get your rosters ready for the school year.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jen Van Fleet


Google Level 1 Certification: Unit 7, Lesson 2: Assign Work More Easily

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Adapted from the Google for Edu Training Center MaterialsFor years, teachers have assigned homework by writing it on the whiteboard. Students (who are paying attention) write down, “Read pages 81-86 of the Biology textbook. Answer unit review questions 1-5,” to remember it later. Hopefully, the students copy these instructions correctly and don’t lose them amongst their other papers and notes. The following day, they take their work and place it on the teacher’s desk or perhaps in a small basket labeled, “Homework.” Of course, it’s easy for even the most careful student to make a mistake somewhere in this process and never turn anything in at all!Fortunately, in today’s world we can use Google tools to implement better processes and ensure your students’ work does not get lost along the way.Google Classroom is an excellent way to accomplish this. You can assign classwork or homework, let students know when their assignments are due, and add all the documents, links and videos with a few clicks. You can also instantly create individual copies of a doc for each of your students which are then shared and organized for you all in Classroom! As you manage assignments in Classroom, your students will receive email notifications for new assignments and see information on upcoming due dates.Your classroom is composed of unique learners who may need different resources at different times. Delivering specific resources to specific students is simple with Google Classroom. Build an assignment and use the drop down menu at the top to select individual, or sets of, students to receive the assignment. This feature is great for when some students are ready to move ahead with coursework. Simply assign them the work. When other students are ready to catch up, use the same process to assign the necessary work to them. Assign the right content and assignments at the right time and help personalize your student’s education experience by using Google Classroom.You can also create assignments for your students within Google Drive. You can have folders for all your students to see, and individual folders for each student so they can keep track of all their work in one place.Gone are the wasted hours in front of the photocopier. You can save time, paper, and chalk and personalize your classroom using Google Classroom.”

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jen Van Fleet


Google Level 1 Certification: Unit 7, Lesson 3: Collect Assignments Effortlessly

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Adapted from the Google for Edu Training Center Materials:When students turn in worksheets and other physical work, we try to organize it neatly in folders or drawers. We use different colors, labels, stickers, and more to easily find student work later on. Today, we can use a variety of tools to collect and organize students’ digital work too.Simplify the process of exchanging work between educators and learners by using Google Classroom and Drive. These tools can help teachers stay organized.Students can save time and energy turning in assignments in the digital classroom as well.Using Google Classroom, they can submit assignments with the click of a button.Using Drive, they can easily move documents to a folder shared with their teacher, or create a document in that folder to begin with. In this lesson, we’ll hear from a few teachers who are using Google tools to collect assignments in their classrooms.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jen Van Fleet


What Makes a Video Persuasive?

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Objective: Students will be able to evaluate what characteristics make a video persuasive.This would be an introduce a project where students would create thier own persuasive video using Adobe Spark Video.  Students first watch some example persuasive videos in Adobe Spark and rate them on wether they feel the videos are persuasive. Then students brainstorm a list of characteristics that make a video persuasive. The students would then generate a class list of what charteristics make a video persuasive. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Noel Hansen


Understanding Slope Intercept Form

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OLO: Students will be able to explain how changing the y-intercept and slope  will change the appearance of the line.This lesson is to help students develop the relationship between slope(m) and y-intercept(b) by using an interactive coordinate plane to explore. This is a 2 part lesson with some teacher clarification in between the 2 parts. The teacher component in between the 2 parts is to make sure the students fully understand the relationships developed in part 1 before applying it to part 2.If you have a Face to Face class and just want a print out/editable version for Google Classroom Click Here 

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Marguerite Dasso