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Point of View and Perspective on the American Dream

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In the first bend of this unit, students will closely read multiple perspectives on the “American Dream” in order to collect information to use and integrate that information into an evidence-based perspective. Students will examine primary and secondary source documents to make informed decisions about what information to collect that may inspire their writing about “The American Dream.” In the second bend of this unit, students will engage in a short-research process to create a draft of argumentative speech on the “American Dream” with a specific purpose, audience, and tone in mind. They will use their inquiry research questions from bend one to begin analyzing search results and citing and gathering relevant, accurate, and credible information.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Authors: Elizabeth Jensen, Grandview School DIstrict, Jennifer RIchter, Tamara Brader

Developing a Fact-Based Opinion in Life Science

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During this unit, students will extend their understanding of opinion texts by using them as a basis to form an opinion and write about it. Students closely read texts for literal comprehension and to connect ideas within and across texts to help them become informed readers. Students will decipher authors’ stance toward a topic and use their research to form their own opinion about the topic. With this informed point of view as readers and writers, students will be able to engage in persuasive literacy, discussions, and opinion writing. Throughout the unit, scaffolds and structures are embedded to support English Language learners. This unit is recommended to be taught after students have had experience with 3 rd grade Narrative and Informational writing.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Grandview School District

Introduction to Different Text Types

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This unit is designed to develop foundational skills needed to prepare students for learning and making meaning of a variety of text types. The unit will provide students with opportunities to listen to and explore a variety of everyday print materials such as storybooks, poems, and informational texts to engage in interactive discussions of the messages and meaning of texts. This unit teaches students that they are readers and have a vital role in their classroom community. Students will continue practicing routines necessary for learning: • Working productively in the meeting area • Working with a partner to Think-Pair- Share • Book handling and learning about the parts of texts • Selecting texts for independent reading • Using everything in the classroom for reading support

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Grandview School District