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The Programming Historian 2: Applied Archival Downloading with Wget

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Now that you have learned how Wget can be used to mirror or download specific files from websites like via the command line, it’s time to expand your web-scraping skills through a few more lessons that focus on other uses for Wget’s recursive retrieval function. The following tutorial provides three examples of how Wget can be used to download large collections of documents from archival websites with assistance from the Python programing language. It will teach you how to parse and generate a list of URLs using a simple Python script, and will also introduce you to a few of Wget’s other useful features. Similar functions to the ones demonstrated in this lesson can be achieved using curl, an open-source software capable of performing automated downloads from the command line. For this lesson, however, we will focus on Wget and building your Python skills.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration

Author: Kellen Kurschinski

The Programming Historian 2: Up and Running with

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Omeka is a free content management system that makes it easy to create websites that show off collections of items. As you will learn below, there are actually two versions of Omeka: Omeka.netand In this lesson you willl be using the former. Omeka is an ideal solution for historians who want to display collections of documents, archivists who want to organize artifacts into categories, and teachers who want students to learn about the choices involved in assembling historical collections. It is not difficult, but it is helpful to start off with some basic terms and concepts. In this lesson, you will sign up for an account at and start adding digital objects to your site.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration

Author: Miriam Posner

Einführung in Metadaten und Metadatenformate

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Zielgruppe: Beschäftigte an Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken mit geringer Vorkenntnis im Bereich Metadaten und Interoperabilität Inhalt: Metadaten dienen dazu, Nutzer bei der Suche, dem Finden, Identifizieren und Selektieren relevanter Informationen zu unterstützen. Dies gilt sowohl für lokale Informationssysteme als auch für das Internet. In diesem E-Tutorial geht es um eine Einführung in Metadaten, eine Vorstellung der wichtigsten Metadatenstandards und einen Einblick in das Thema Metadatenprofile. Das E-Tutorial orientiert sich inhaltlich an der Schulung "Einführung in die interoperable Gestaltung von Metadaten und Metadatenformaten".

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Unit of Study

Author: Claudia Effenberger und Stefanie Rühle