All resources in Cedar Rapids CSD

American Folklore: A Jigsaw Character Study

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Groups of students read and discuss American folklore stories, each group reading a different story. Using a jigsaw strategy, the groups compare character traits and main plot points of the stories. A diverse selection of American folk tales is used for this lesson, which is adaptable to any text set.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Venn Diagram

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This interactive tool allows students to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive

Whittle, Whittle it Down: Summarizing

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This "jigsaw" activity will give students the opportunity to work in groups to summarize a 1 to 2 page informational text. It "jigsaws" down to 1 class summary and can be done in 2 or 3 days. This plan was designed for a class of 22 students but can be easily modified by varying group size.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Bio Cube

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Bio Cube is a useful summarizing tool that helps students identify and list key elements about a person for a biography or autobiography.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Interactive