All resources in Adult Learning Zone: A Designers for Learning Project

Calculating the Areas of Rectangles

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This lesson focuses on calculating the areas of rectangles. It is designed to enable adult students to successfully master basic geometry knowledge in order to achieve their High School Equivalency (HSE). Areas to be covered include types of polygons, quadrilaterals, rectangles; calculating areas of rectangle and calculating costs. Students will apply this knowledge to practical areas of their lives such as calculating the costs of purchasing carpets or painting of walls

Material Type: Interactive, Lesson Plan

Author: Winston Lawrence

Adding Integers to Real Life Problems

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Adult Learners will review the previous lesson, measuring with a thermometer, to continue their application in horizontal number lines. Learners will use the number line to increase their understanding of integer values as well as apply their understanding to solving real world problems.

Material Type: Interactive, Lesson Plan, Student Guide

Author: Lisa Ramsey

The American Dream and Social Stratification Lesson Unit

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Students who migrated to the USA from Mexico or any other country when they were kids are the learner audience. However, this lesson series can be adapted for other types of learners. Each lesson will take up to 30 minutes. The topic of lesson #1 is social stratification and the American dream. The students will learn about these two concepts. The goals of lesson #2 are to learn how to create charts and graphs in a PowerPoint after collecting data through interviews and compare/ contrast results with National Survey 2005 NY Times. Lesson #3’s topic is about race as ascribed characteristics and its influence on social mobility. Students will integrate and evaluate information they collected and present their own ideas in discussions. Lesson #4’s topic is how gender can affect people’s ability to climb the economic ladder. During lesson #5 students will present their findings in class and reflect on their experience learning about the topic of the American dream and whether it is achievable or not.

Material Type: Data Set, Homework/Assignment, Lecture

Author: Nadezda Pimenova


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This lesson is to foster an understanding of how screenplay ideas are written, developed and supported with events, characters, dialogue, and other elements. Note: Original .01 Ideas Lesson Plan created by Albion Movie, Inc.; this version modified for Adult Learners with their permission.

Material Type: Module

Author: Suzanne Ensmann

Ideas - Write a Screenplay for a Movie!

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____________________________________________________________________________From Albion Movie, Inc.:  "BROUGHT TO YOU BY OUR SPONSOR:Our lesson plans are available at no cost to educators, thanks to the generosity of our education sponsor. Please visit the Bradenton Gulf Islands on Florida’s Gulf Coast". ____________________________________________________________________________This lesson is to foster an understanding of how screenplay ideas are written, developed and supported with events, characters, dialogue, and other elements.Note: Original .01 Ideas Lesson Plan created by Albion Movie, Inc.; this version modified for Adult Learners with their permission.  Learner Audience / Primary UsersAdult, 9th-12th grade reading level , non-traditional student working towards achieving a high school diploma Addresses: College & Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) AlignmentLevel: Adult EducationGrade Level: CCRS Grade Level E (9-12 grade reading level)Subject: CCRS English Language Arts Strand: CCRS Writing StrandSub-strand: Writing of Literature, History/Social Studies, or Technical subjectsStandard Description: CCRS description(s) for the specific standard(s) and supporting standard(s) that align with your lesson:CCR Anchor 3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details and well-structured event sequences.Prior Knowledge Students must read and write at the 9th grade level; have the ability to navigate the Internet, and type into a Word processor.Lesson Author & License Lesson Author: Suzanne Ensmann (Modified for Adult Ed students; original .01 Ideas Lesson Plan created by  Albion Movie, Inc.: "BROUGHT TO YOU BY OUR SPONSOROur lesson plans are available at no cost to educators, thanks to the generosity of our education sponsor. Please visit the Bradenton Gulf Islands on Florida’s Gulf Coast"). License for .01 Ideas Lesson Plan: Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license 

Material Type: Module

Author: Suzanne Ensmann

Renewable Sources of Energy

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The lesson is a short and simple account about renewable sources of energy. Students will learn about what nonrenewable sources of energy are and why we should avoid using them. They will be able to identify renewable sources of energy around them. They will be able to identify installations pertaining to renewable sources of energy such as wind mills, solar panels. They will realize the importance of energy conservation and may make changes in their lives to save energy. This will also help save on energy bills.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Shamila Janakiraman

Literal and Non-literal Meanings of Words and Idioms

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In this lesson, students will distinguish the literal and non-literal meanings of verbal and written content in different contexts. The lesson targets adult learners of English who have demonstrated Grades 3- 4 or B-C reading level. Learners will demonstrate an understanding of idioms by using context clues in the sentences to help figure out the meanings of idioms, by drawing out idioms without using words or letters, by giving written tips using idioms, and by creating greeting cards.

Material Type: Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Ms. Alex Elrington

Understanding and Evaluating Foreshadowing

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This module is intended for adult learners with some previous high school education who are pursuing the completion of their GED. This lesson focuses on identifying and evaluating foreshadowing, targeting the Common Core Readiness Standards for ELA/Literacy 2. Adult learners will read, analyze, and evaluate foreshadowing in multiple examples. This module involves reading, viewing, and writing components.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Diagram/Illustration, Lesson Plan, Module, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Christina Bouwens

The Present Perfect to Discuss Work History

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This lesson is designed to benefit adult learners who are studying at a 6th to 8th grade level. The lesson would be most useful for English Language Learners but could also be useful to native English speakers who are finishing up their formal education. The lesson reviews how to use affirmative and negative present perfect, such as “I have (not) done”. It is assumed that learners have already studied and can recognize the formation of the present perfect, but the grammar will be reviewed briefly. Learners will practice forming the present perfect with vocabulary in the context of work and finding work. They will work in pairs, reading excerpts from job ads and writing present perfect sentences that indicate that they have done that job/task. Finally, learners will practice creating present perfect sentences with relation to their own work experience. This lesson is designed to take 30 minutes.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment

Author: Lauren Sullivan

Point and Support

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This module is intended for students who are working to acquire their GED. The reading level is Level C which is at a 4th-5th-grade reading level for learners who are interested in learning how to call in sick from work. There are interactive, independent, reading, writing and speaking components. Determining the point and the support is a part of everyday life. Everyone will eventually have to utilize this skill on their jobs, specifically understanding the procedures for taking a day off from work.

Material Type: Assessment, Lesson Plan

Author: Erika Boney

Media Literacy Challenge: Writing Your Own Argument

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This lesson will challenge learners to critically read and evaluate news articles presenting different positions on a single issue that the learner takes interest in. The learner will then be challenged to formulate their own opinion by refining their own argument on the issue. The target audience of learners for this lesson constitute the Career and College Readiness Standards Grade Level E (9-12) in their reading and writing abilities. Learners will hone practical skills by engaging in this lesson, such as how to critically engage with news and media, being able to succinctly summarize larger pieces of information, and using information to write a structured argument based on their own opinions. These skills will have practical applications for everyday life, reading and writing the GED, and when applying for jobs that require information processing.

Material Type: Homework/Assignment, Reading

Author: Christopher Klune

Making an Evidence-Based Argument for a Raise in the Workplace

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The purpose of this course is for adult learners to improve their communication skills, particularly writing, by arguing effectively for a raise. Their arguments will consist of evidence-based claims. The target audience of this lesson is adults at the 7th grade reading and writing level. This lesson is intended for a real classroom. This module involves reading, writing and speaking components. The entire lesson will take roughly 30 minutes to complete.

Material Type: Full Course

Author: Christina McNish

To, too, or two? Confusing Words: Learning Homophones, Homonyms, and Homographs

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Adult learners at Low Intermediate Basic Education level (grade grouping C/grades 4-5) are introduced to words that are frequently confused such as to, too, and two. Learners use three methods to identify which confusing word should be used in speaking or writing: define the word, create a visual image, and find a synonym that has the same meaning.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Teisha Kosiba

Describing Traffic and Road Signs in Basic English

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This lesson is geared towards beginning English language learners who plan to take a U.S. driving test. The goal of this lesson is for learners to be able to recognize various traffic and/or road signs and describe their meanings for the purpose of passing a U.S. driving test and driving safely on the road.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Homework/Assignment, Lesson Plan

Author: Lina C

Strategies For Reading and Comprehending Complex Scientific and Technology Text

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This lesson is designed for learners in adult basic education (low and high level adult secondary education). The purpose of this lesson is to teach a step-wise method that involves increased complexity reading material that assists learners with building a staircase type strategy for reading scientific and technology text proficiently. The lesson topic will include guiding students in how to ask themselves questions before during and after a passage. The questions will be used to build a staircase of information that can be compared to what they already know and personal experiences. This strategy will not only assist with appropriately answer reading passage questions but can be applied to reading and understanding complex texts for higher education and documents in the workplace.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Author: Artralia Powell

Analyzing Community Issues through the Flint, MI Water Contamination Crisis (REVISED)

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These 3 lessons are for high ABE/low ASE students at a level D-E Reading level to practice identifying key points in video and text and analyzing the causes and effects of social issues, and identifying solutions to these problems. By watching two short videos and reading EPA materials on the effects of lead exposure and a short article on the specific drinking water crisis in Flint, MI, students will examine key issues, analyze the problem and its causes, identify approaches to solving this problem and ones like it in other locations, and apply this approach to other scenarios that are relevant to their immediate lives.

Material Type: Case Study, Reading

Author: Ruth Sugar

Gaining technical literacy by using a range of strategies to grow vocabulary

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The intended audience includes adult learners (Grade Level D) seeking basic reading skill development. Learners will imagine that they are entering a new field of employment. They are given written information that contain new terminology specific to their occupation. Using a range of strategies, learners will determine or clarify the meaning of specific words as they are used in a specific technical context. This lesson will help learners to gain vocabulary related to an occupation of interest in order to build knowledge to prepare for a career.

Material Type: Assessment

Author: Pamela Wright