All resources in 7th grade English

Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece (90 minutes)

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The study of ancient Greece is vital to the study of all other periods of history, including modern history, in understanding how past enduring influences shape our present. This lesson may be part of a unit on Ancient Greece that covers the major areas of this ancient civilization: geography, architecture, democracy, government, philosophy, Olympics, daily life, Athens, and Sparta. Students will learn about the gods and goddesses, their place of origin, their symbols, and their sanctuaries.   

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Christina Karakanta

Thematic Statements: Myth of Cronus

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eview the text we read in class, "Cronus".In this discussion, we will explore theme. A theme is a significant idea or lesson conveyed in a text. It is a message the author conveys through important details or events. Some themes are so universal that they apply to people across time and cultures.For example, a relevant theme from "Cronus" is: Parent-Child Relationships.Using that, here is a thematic statement: A mother will put her love for her children above every other relationship.Note that a thematic statement is a full sentence that conveys a complete idea. In this discussion, you will be writing thematic statements.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Tim Batiuk

Greco-Roman Origin Myths

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Mythology is a powerful vehicle for teaching students about symbols and the ways people have sought to explain their relationships to nature and to each other. Teachers can use these lessons and works of art to introduce or examine the role of myths in explaining human customs, mysteries about nature, or the reasons why things exist in the world. Lessons include: Pandora's Box; Apollo Pursuing Daphne; Diana and Endymion; The Fall of Phaeton; and The Corinthian Maid.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Assessment, Lesson Plan

Writing from Mythological Narratives

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Students collaborate to compose a short piece of creative writing based on a painting depicting a mythological narrative. They then learn more about the mythological scene in the painting and adapt their original stories into tales from the life of the Greek hero Perseus.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Lesson Plan

Create a Superhero

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Create a Superhero is a five-part lesson plan asking students to research a current global issue which impacts them, their family or their community. Based on their research they create a superhero to help solve the issue. The project follows an adapted inquiry model and uses the online tools of G Suite for Education.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Authors: Joan Upell, Julie Erickson