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Algebra Explorations, Pre-K Through Grade 7
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CK-12 Algebra Explorations is a hands-on series of activities that guides students from Pre-K to Grade 7 through algebraic concepts.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
CK-12 Foundation
Provider Set:
CK-12 FlexBook
Mary Cavanagh, Carol Findell, Carole Greenes
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Algebra Explorations, Pre-K through Grade 7
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CK-12 Algebra Explorations is a hands-on series of activities that guides students from Pre-K to Grade 7 through algebraic concepts.

Material Type:
Teaching/Learning Strategy
CK-12 Foundation
Provider Set:
CK-12 FlexBook
Carol ­ Findell, Mary ­Cavanagh, Carole ­Greenes
Date Added:
A Book About Me
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

The body consists of arms, hands, fingers, feet, etc. Demonstrate how to measure with a crayon. Each student will create a book about themselves using the book template.

Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network
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Camp Paws and Claws: Pets
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This 3-day activity reinforces what students have learned about animals. The activities focus on pets: cats, dogs, birds, and fish. Main Curriculum Tie: English Language Arts Kindergarten Reading: Literature Standard 2, with prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. Activities in this unit reinforce what students have learned throughout the year about animals. For each activity, a different group of animals is studied. These activities focus on pets: cats, dogs, birds, and fish. Students will re-read both fiction and non-fiction stories that have been previously introduced during the school year. As they read the books, they will have activities to complete in order to earn their “badge” for that animal. Each student will make a paper bag vest on which they will be able to display badges they have earned.

Arts and Humanities
English Language Arts
Speaking and Listening
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Utah Education Network
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Engage NY
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

EngageNY.org is developed and maintained by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to support the implementation of key aspects of the New York State Board of Regents Reform Agenda. This is the official web site for current materials and resources related to the Regents Reform Agenda. The agenda includes the implementation of the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards (CCLS), Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (TLE), and Data-Driven Instruction (DDI). EngageNY.org is dedicated to providing educators across New York State with real-time, professional learning tools and resources to support educators in reaching the State‰ŰŞs vision for a college- and career-ready education for all students.

Arts and Humanities
Business and Communication
Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
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Expressing Thoughts and Feelings
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Educational Use
0.0 stars

Students will explore five different "Discovery Buckets". These buckets will give them opportunities to practice expressing both their thoughts and feelings. Main Curriculum Tie: English Language Arts Kindergarten Speaking and Listening Standard 6, Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. We recognize that an increased ability to communicate thoughts and feelings gives children the skills they need in their interactions with others. Acceptance by peers is not only correlated with positive attitudes toward school; it is a powerful predictor of social adjustment throughout life. This lesson helps children understand their emotions and how to appropriately express thoughts and feelings with others.

Arts and Humanities
Language Education (ESL)
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Unit of Study
Utah Education Network
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Módulo 3 prekindergarten 3: Contando a 10
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(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

El módulo 3 desafía a los estudiantes a construir su trabajo con números a 5 para dar sentido y contar grupos de 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10 objetos. Los estudiantes también continúan su trabajo con el núcleo núcleo de las siguientes maneras (PK.CC.1 4): Contado de memoria (la lista de palabras numéricas hasta 15); correspondencia uno a uno (un objeto emparejado con una palabra de número de 0 a 10); cardinalidad (cuántos en un conjunto de hasta 10 objetos); And Number Reconocimiento (números escritos coincidentes 0, 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10 a cantidades). A lo largo del módulo, los niños participan en experiencias atractivas que los ayudan a hacer conexiones críticas entre estos cuatro entendimientos.

English Description:
Module 3 challenges students to build on their work with numbers through 5 to make sense of and count groups of 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 objects. Students also continue their work with the number core in the following ways (PK.CC.1–4): Rote counting (the number word list up to 15); one-to-one correspondence (one object paired with one number word from 0 to 10); cardinality (how many in a set of up to 10 objects); andnumber recognition (matching written numerals 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 to quantities). Throughout the module, children participate in engaging experiences that help them make critical connections between these four understandings.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
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Módulo de matemáticas prekindergarten 4: Comparación de longitud, peso, capacidad y números a 5
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(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

En la primera mitad de este módulo, los estudiantes identifican atributos medibles de objetos en términos de longitud, peso y capacidad. Los estudiantes aprenden palabras como pequeñas, grandes, cortas, altas, vacías, llenas, pesadas y ligeras para que tengan el vocabulario necesario para describir objetos (PK.MD.1). La comparación de la longitud, el peso y la capacidad conduce naturalmente a discusiones sobre la cantidad y el número. En la segunda mitad, la medición está conectada a la cantidad, ya que los estudiantes razonan si hay suficientes, más que, menos o el mismo número de objetos en un conjunto utilizando estrategias de coincidencia y de conteo (PK.CC.5). La comparación de conjuntos de concreto conduce a comparar cantidades y números abstractos. Los niños también se centrarán en identificarse primero y el último en cantidades de hasta 5 y 10 en diferentes configuraciones (PK.CC.6).

English Description:
In the first half of this module, students identify measurable attributes of objects in terms of length, weight, and capacity.  Students learn words such as small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, and light so that they will have the vocabulary needed to describe objects (PK.MD.1).  The comparison of length, weight, and capacity naturally leads to discussions about quantity and number.  In the second half, measurement is connected to quantity as students reason if there are enough, more than, less than, or the same number of objects in a set using matching and counting strategies (PK.CC.5).  Comparing concrete sets leads to comparing quantities and abstract numbers.  Children will also focus on identifying first and last in quantities up to 5 and 10 in different configurations (PK.CC.6).

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
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Módulo de matemáticas prekindergarten 5: historias de adición y sustracción y contando hasta 20
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0.0 stars

(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

El módulo 5 es la culminación del trabajo de los niños con el número en el año previo a K. A lo largo de los módulos 1 y 3, tuvieron extensas experiencias de conteo con los números 0-10. En el módulo 4, examinaron las relaciones entre los números 1-5 hasta la comparación. En el módulo 5, los niños hacen la transición del concepto comparativo de más (4 manzanas es más de 1 manzana) al concepto de adición (3 manzanas y 1 más manzanas hacen 4 manzanas). Están listos para comenzar a trabajar con operaciones, centrándose en las historias de suma y sustracción con los números 1 a 5. Los estudiantes también aprenderán a escribir números 0-5 y explorar patrones en este módulo final.

English Description:
Module 5 is the culmination of children's work with number in the Pre-K year.  Throughout Modules 1 and 3, they had extensive counting experiences with numbers 0-10.  In Module 4, they examined the relationships between numbers 1-5 through comparison.  In Module 5, children transition from the comparative concept of more (4 apples is more than 1 apple) to the concept of addition (3 apples and 1 more apple make 4 apples).  They are ready to begin work with operations, focusing on addition and subtraction stories with numbers 1 to 5.  Students will also learn to write numerals 0-5 and explore patterns in this final module.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
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Date Added:
Módulo de prekindergarten 1: Contando a 5
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(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

El módulo 1 capitaliza la energía y la emoción que tienen los jóvenes estudiantes al ingresar a su primer día de Pre-K al proporcionar una estructura juguetona y activa pero cuidadosamente secuenciada a través de la cual progresan los niños. En este módulo, establecemos un entorno de aprendizaje amistoso en el que los niños han sostenido la interacción con cuatro ideas básicas, referidas colectivamente como el núcleo núcleo: conteo de rutina (la lista de palabras numéricas), correspondencia individual (un objeto emparejado con una palabra numérica), cardinalidad (cuántos en un conjunto) y números escritos. A lo largo del módulo, los niños tienen experiencias que los ayudan a hacer conexiones críticas entre estos cuatro entendimientos.

English Description:
Module 1 capitalizes on the energy and excitement young students have as they enter their first day of Pre-K by providing a playful and active yet carefully sequenced structure through which children progress.  In this module, we set up a friendly learning environment in which children have sustained interaction with four core ideas, collectively referred to as the number core:  rote counting (the number word list), one-to-one correspondence (one object paired with one number word), cardinality (how many in a set), and written numerals.  Throughout the module, children have experiences that help them make critical connections between these four understandings.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Módulo de prekindergarten 2: Formas
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0.0 stars

(Nota: Esta es una traducción de un recurso educativo abierto creado por el Departamento de Educación del Estado de Nueva York (NYSED) como parte del proyecto "EngageNY" en 2013. Aunque el recurso real fue traducido por personas, la siguiente descripción se tradujo del inglés original usando Google Translate para ayudar a los usuarios potenciales a decidir si se adapta a sus necesidades y puede contener errores gramaticales o lingüísticos. La descripción original en inglés también se proporciona a continuación.)

En el módulo 2, en el contexto del juego en el aula, los niños aprenden a identificar, describir, clasificar, comparar y crear formas y objetos bidimensionales (2-D) y tridimensionales (3-D). Los niños desarrollan vocabulario para describir la posición relativa de los objetos (por ejemplo, arriba, abajo, arriba, abajo, delante de, detrás, sobre, debajo y al lado), construyendo habilidades de razonamiento espacial fundamental. En el módulo 1, los estudiantes desarrollaron una comprensión de los números a 5. En el módulo 2, los estudiantes practican estas habilidades de contexto en el contexto de la geometría (contabilidad de lados, esquinas, un grupo de triángulos, etc.).

English Description:
In Module 2, in the context of classroom play, children learn to identify, describe, sort, compare, and create two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) shapes and objects. Children develop vocabulary to describe the relative position of objects (e.g., top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to), building foundational spatial reasoning abilities. In Module 1, students developed an understanding of numbers to 5. In Module 2, students practice these counting skills in the context of geometry (counting sides, corners, a group of triangles, etc.).

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
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Prekindergarten Mathematics Module 4: Comparison of Length, Weight, Capacity, and Numbers to 5
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0.0 stars

In the first half of this module, students identify measurable attributes of objects in terms of length, weight, and capacity.  Students learn words such as small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy, and light so that they will have the vocabulary needed to describe objects (PK.MD.1).  The comparison of length, weight, and capacity naturally leads to discussions about quantity and number.  In the second half, measurement is connected to quantity as students reason if there are enough, more than, less than, or the same number of objects in a set using matching and counting strategies (PK.CC.5).  Comparing concrete sets leads to comparing quantities and abstract numbers.  Children will also focus on identifying first and last in quantities up to 5 and 10 in different configurations (PK.CC.6).

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Prekindergarten Mathematics Module 5: Addition and Subtraction Stories and Counting to 20
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0.0 stars

Module 5 is the culmination of children's work with number in the Pre-K year.  Throughout Modules 1 and 3, they had extensive counting experiences with numbers 0-10.  In Module 4, they examined the relationships between numbers 1-5 through comparison.  In Module 5, children transition from the comparative concept of more (4 apples is more than 1 apple) to the concept of addition (3 apples and 1 more apple make 4 apples).  They are ready to begin work with operations, focusing on addition and subtraction stories with numbers 1 to 5.  Students will also learn to write numerals 0-5 and explore patterns in this final module.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Prekindergarten Module 1:  Counting to 5
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0.0 stars

Module 1 capitalizes on the energy and excitement young students have as they enter their first day of Pre-K by providing a playful and active yet carefully sequenced structure through which children progress.  In this module, we set up a friendly learning environment in which children have sustained interaction with four core ideas, collectively referred to as the number core:  rote counting (the number word list), one-to-one correspondence (one object paired with one number word), cardinality (how many in a set), and written numerals.  Throughout the module, children have experiences that help them make critical connections between these four understandings.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Prekindergarten Module 2: Shapes
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0.0 stars

In Module 2, in the context of classroom play, children learn to identify, describe, sort, compare, and create two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) shapes and objects. Children develop vocabulary to describe the relative position of objects (e.g., top, bottom, up, down, in front of, behind, over, under, and next to), building foundational spatial reasoning abilities. In Module 1, students developed an understanding of numbers to 5. In Module 2, students practice these counting skills in the context of geometry (counting sides, corners, a group of triangles, etc.).

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added:
Prekindergarten Module 3: Counting to 10
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0.0 stars

Module 3 challenges students to build on their work with numbers through 5 to make sense of and count groups of 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 objects. Students also continue their work with the number core in the following ways (PK.CC.1–4): Rote counting (the number word list up to 15); one-to-one correspondence (one object paired with one number word from 0 to 10); cardinality (how many in a set of up to 10 objects); andnumber recognition (matching written numerals 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 to quantities). Throughout the module, children participate in engaging experiences that help them make critical connections between these four understandings.

Material Type:
New York State Education Department
Provider Set:
Date Added: