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  • university-of-copenhagen
Ion activity in mice offers insight into how to save stroke-stricken older brains
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This resource is a video abstract of a research paper created by Research Square on behalf of its authors. It provides a synopsis that's easy to understand, and can be used to introduce the topics it covers to students, researchers, and the general public. The video's transcript is also provided in full, with a portion provided below for preview:

"A critical cellular process that occurs in the wake of a stroke in mice could hint at how to salvage otherwise compromised brain tissue. Strokes happen when the flow of blood to the brain is blocked, most often by a blood clot in a vessel. This creates two zones of injury: a central core and a radiating penumbra. Deprived of oxygen and glucose, brain cells in the core can die within minutes. Those in the penumbra are not as severely damaged. But if blood flow isn’t re-established within hours, those cells will succumb too. That’s why fast responses to strokes are so important—especially among the elderly, who are less resilient than younger sufferers of stroke. New research shows that that disparity between aged and young brains could be due to differences in calcium ion activity brought on by stroke. After inducing stroke in old and young mice, researchers found that spontaneous calcium activity was reduced in the brains of young mice, whereas it was increased in the brains of old mice..."

The rest of the transcript, along with a link to the research itself, is available on the resource itself.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Life Science
Material Type:
Research Square
Provider Set:
Video Bytes
Date Added:
Laboratoriesikkerhed for studerende - 9 interaktive video-quizzer
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0.0 stars

Her finder du ni forskellige INTERAKTIVE VIDEO-QUIZZER der kan hjælpe studerende med at træne en række vigtige aspekter omkring laboratoriesikkerhed. 

Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Maria Minard
Date Added:
Money flow and work force/ Pengestrøm og arbejdsstyrke
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0.0 stars

Part two in the series Paradise under Pressure/ Paradis under pres: https://paradis-under-pres.simplecast.com/

There is good reason to invest in tourism in Zanzibar. In 2019, it was expected that over half a million tourists would visit the island, which is only half the size of Funen island in Denmark. Tourists bring in money and growth, but research shows that, for example, Zanzibarians only have 11% of managerial jobs in restaurants and only 20% of tourism revenue goes to the local community, while 53% disappear from the island.

Der er god grund til at investere i turismen på Zanzibar. I 2019 forventede man, at over en halv million turister ville besøge øen, som kun er halvt så stor som Fyn. Turisterne bringer penge og vækst, men forskningen viser, at zanzibarianere for eksempel kun har 11% af lederjobs på restauranter og kun 20% af indtægterne fra turismen går til lokalsamfundet, imens hele 53% forsvinder væk fra øen.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
School of Global Health
University of Copenhagen
Anthroplogist Emil Morell
Date Added:
Plastik i Paradis/ Plastic in Paradise
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0.0 stars

Part one in the series Paradise under Pressure/ Paradis under pres: https://paradis-under-pres.simplecast.com/

Plastic bottles are impossible to avoid when travelling for vacation to southern countries. In Zanzibar, thousands of plastic bottles are sailed in from the mainland every day. They float as waste everywhere on beaches, streets, and in between bushes, trees and tall grass.
In this episode, we will meet Aziza Biubwa of the State University of Zanzibar, a researcher in waste management, Justin Madho, who works for the waste company Zanrec and Sjani Müggenburg, director of Ozti East Africa - a company that has made furniture plastic screw cap.

Plastikflasker er umulige at undgå, når du holder ferie i syden. På Zanzibar bliver tusindvis af plastikflasker hver dag sejlet ind fra fastlandet, men som affald flyder de overalt på strande, gader, og imellem buske, træer og højt græs.
I denne episode skal vi møde Aziza Biubwa fra State University of Zanzibar, som forsker i affaldshåndtering, Justin Madho, som arbejder for affaldsfirmaet Zanrec og Sjani Müggenburg, som er direktør for Ozti East Africa – et firma der har fundet ud af at lave møbler af plastikskruelåg.

Applied Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen
Anthroplogist Emil Morell
School of Global Health
Date Added:
Working Environment in Paradise/ Paradisets arbejdsmiljø
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0.0 stars

Part three in the series Paradise under Pressure/ Paradis under pres: https://paradis-under-pres.simplecast.com/

According to the international hotels in Zanzibar, it is difficult to find qualified local workers who speak good enough English and have the right experience and education. But is it, in fact, an excuse used by tourism industry leaders not to live up to their responsibilities?

Ifølge de internationale hoteller på Zanzibar, så er det svært at finde kvalificeret lokale arbejdere, som taler godt nok engelsk og har den rette erfaring og uddannelse. Men er det i virkeligheden en undskyldning som turistbranchens ledere bruger, for ikke at leve op til deres ansvar?

Applied Science
Environmental Science
Health, Medicine and Nursing
Material Type:
Case Study
Primary Source
School of Global Health
University of Copenhagen
Anthroplogist Emil Morell
Date Added: