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  • nitrates
Effect of Nitrate and Phosphate Levels on the Growth of Algae
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Nitrate and phosphate are useful as fertilizers in agriculture and gardening. Nitrate and phosphate aid agricultural production by producing more abundant crops. However, since the mass production of ammonia during the 1940's by way of the Haber process, it has been noted that a phenomenon known as “nitrate pollution” may occur. This pollution can be demonstrated by conducting this simple experiment. This experiment demonstrates two main ideas. The first is a test of what levels of nitrate and phosphate allow for optimum algal growth. The second demonstrates at which levels of nitrate and phosphate algal blooms may occur, causing harm to an aquatic ecosystem (Freeman, 2002).

Life Science
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Niagra University and Dr. Robert G. O’Donnell Middle School
Provider Set:
American Society for Microbiology
Mark Gallo and Shannon Ventresca
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