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  • empiricaly-based-curriculum
Evaluating Community-Based Programs for Families At-Risk of Foster Care Placement: An Empirically Based Curriculum
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This curriculum, which can be used in whole or in part, provides background legislative initiatives, evaluations of Family Preservation/Support Programs in different areas of the country, and techniques in evaluating community-based programs. Chapters include: a description of the development of Family Preservation/Family Support programs including key federal legislation and California's implementation process; a review of current literature on both family support and family preservation evaluations; a state-wide matrix of County Five-Year Plans for the Family Preservation/Support Program Initiative, summaries of 10 county Five-Year Plans, and case studies of three counties; information on single-subject designs including the nature and scope of single-subject research and its relationship to time-series design; information on collecting and analyzing administrative level data to determine whether change has occurred in a target community; and analysis of administrative level data within a single-system design framework. This module addresses Child Welfare Policy, Planning and Administration competencies. (343 pages)Rogers, K., Ferguson, C., Barth, R. P., & Embry, R. (1998).

Social Work
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