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  • data-warehouse
Business Intelligence Integration Services Project: Creation and Deployment
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0.0 stars

This module covers the creation, execution and deployment of an ETL project using the SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). Several examples were provided to show how data from different sources can be Extracted from the source, Transformed into meaningful forms and Loaded to the data warehouse.

Applied Science
Higher Education
Information Science
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
Business Intelligence Reporting Services Project: Design, Deployment and Subscription
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Reports are integral part especially of any database-driven application. Data, regardless of volume, need to be processed and retrieved from a variety of sources and later presented to the desired users in various forms. Out of these reports, appropriate actions are normally carried out by the respective users.

This resource introduces the Reporting Services which is one of the Business Intelligence projects under the umbrella of SQL Server technologies. It walks you through the creation, deployment and subscription of server-side report whose deployment and data-driven subscription are made possible through SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

Career and Technical Education
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Date Added:
SQL and Database Management Using Pop Culture
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Welcome to “SQL and Database Management Using Pop Culture,” a GitHub repository that leads a double life as an interactive Database and SQL textbook. Through this innovative approach, we blend the technical world of SQL and database management with the relatable and often thrilling realm of pop culture. This book is designed to make the complex concepts of databases not just understandable but genuinely enjoyable to learn.

Why This Book? Databases are the backbone of the modern data-driven world, yet their intricacies can often seem labyrinthine to learners. This book demystifies these complexities by drawing parallels with popular culture, weaving a narrative that is both informative and relatable. Whether you are a student stepping into the world of databases or a professional seeking to deepen your understanding, this book provides a fresh perspective that is both comprehensive and accessible. The book starts with basic queries in SQLite, and move on to introduce both PostgreSQL and MySQL in later chapters. The content is aligned with the content of the CompTia Data Sys+ and Oracle Database Foundations exams.

The Structure of the Book. Each chapter of this book is crafted like an episode of a TV series, where learning SQL and database management becomes an adventure rather than a routine academic endeavor. Here’s what awaits you in this journey:

Chapter 0: Get started with an interactive introduction to SQL and Python in Colab notebooks.
Chapters 1 to 12: From the deck of the Star Trek Enterprise to the magical corridors of Hogwarts, dive into every aspect of SQL and database management. Each chapter unfolds a new scenario, tying complex database concepts to familiar stories and characters from pop culture.
This repository houses twelve Jupyter notebooks, making the learning experience highly interactive and hands-on. You’ll not just read about SQL queries and database theories but also get to experiment and see the results in real-time.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Brendan P. Shea
Date Added: