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  • anti-bias-education
Exploring and Implementing Anti-Biased Principals in Early Childhood Education with Pre-service and In-service Teachers
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In 1989, Louise Derman-Sparks, Lousie Derman Sparks published her groundbreaking book on Anti-Bias Education: Tools for Empowering Young Children. Subsequently, she co-authored Anti-Bias Education for Young Children  and Ourselves and updated it in 2020 with Patricia Ramsey. The module is focused on the four main tenets of Anti-Bias Early Childhood Education, as set forth by Derman-Sparks and Ramsey. These are: a) Identity, b) Diversity, c) Justice, and d) Activism. The goal of this module is to provide a resource for early childhood teacher educators to facilitate their student’s exploration of Anti-Bias Education in Early Childhood Education. This curriculum may also be useful to early childhood professionals who provide professional development for in-service early childhood educators and caregivers (I.e. public and private early education and care providers including but not limited to Head Start teachers, home care providers, after school program instructors, etc.).  

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Beth Powers
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